Today, Saturday، 21 Dec 2024 - 21:41

Acronym Finder

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Search result from: API

Academic Performance Index

Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient

Application Programming Interface

American Petroleum Institute

Application Program Interface

Ajax Paving Industries (various locations)

Audio Products International (various locations)

Application Interface (Department of State)

Asian Pacific Islander (club)

American Pacific Industries (Valencia, CA)

Advanced Photonix, Inc. (various locations)

Asian and Pacific Islander (US Census usage)

Atmospheric Pressure Ionization

Associated Press International

A Positive Image (various organizations)

Application Programmer Interface (less common)

Arab Peace Initiative

Alabama Polytechnic Institute

Academic Programs International (Austin, TX)

Allocation de Parent Isolé (French: Single Parent Allowance)

Analytical Profile Index (microbiology)

American Products, Inc. (Florida)

Année Polaire Internationale (French: International Polar Year; research project)

Application Platform Interface (software)

Armor-Piercing Incendiary (ammunition)

Automated Processes, Inc. (est. 1968)

Arab Planning Institute (Kuwait)

American Press Institute

Australian Property Institute (professional body)

Australian Pipeline Industry

Asian Public Intellectuals

Association of Play Industries

Alaska Psychiatric Institute

Attachment Parenting International

Animal Protection Institute

Advanced Passenger Information

Associate in Personal Insurance (insurance)

American Professional Institute (Georgia)

Air Pollution Index

Alphabet Phonétique International (French: International Phonetic Alphabet)

Annual Physical Inventory

American Paper Institute

Annual Price Increase

Appleton Papers, Inc. (Appleton, WI)

Avian and Pandemic Influenza

Administración Portuaria Integral (Mexico)

Annual Premium Income

Alpha Processor, Inc. (Samsung)

Angus Productions Inc.

Associazione Piccole e medie Industrie

Advanced Product Information (various businesses)

Alliance for the Polyurethanes Industry

Application Process Integration

Apple Learning Interchange

Athabasca Potash, Inc. (Petaluma, CA)

Asia Pacific Initiative (various organizations)

Asset Priority Index

Athletes' Performance Institute (Tempe, AZ)

American Pain Institute

Assistant Principal for Instruction

Architectural Publications Index

Association of Professional Investigators

A Pressen Interaktiv (Norwegian: Digital Media)

Accelerated Performance Improvement

Antecedent Precipitation Index

Asosiasi Pertekstilan Indonesia (Indonesian Textile Association)

Aviation Preflight Indoctrination

Ansal Properties Infrastructure (India)

Anti-Poverty Initiative (various locations)

Association of Physicians of India

Australian Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.

Australian Public Intellectual Network (non-profit publisher)

Air Photo Interpretation

Association Psychanalytique Internationale (International Psychoanalytical Association)

Anonima Petroli Italiana SpA (Rome, Italy)

Aircraft Platform Interface

American Prepaid Legal Services Institute

Ascendant Partners, Inc.

Active Pharma Ingredient

Age Participation Index (UK)

Anderson Packaging, Inc. (Rockford, IL)

A Pleasing Interface

Alagus Printer Installer (software)

Announcement of Public Interest

Alice Paul Institute (Mount Laurel, NJ, USA)

Asset Performance Inc. (Vancouver, BC, Canada)

Aerial Photographic Interpretation (American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing)

Air Position Indicator

Asylum Policy Instruction (UK)

Advanced Polygraph Institute (Australia)

Average Price Index (describes growth rate, related to inflation measurements)

Aromatic Polyimide Insulation

Alt Preset Insane (MP3 encoder preset)

Ankle Pressure Index

Acquisition Program Integration

Applied Planning International Inc.

Agricultural Price Index

Associated Press of India

Automation & Process Industriel (French: Industrial Automation & Process)

Advanced Pharmaceutical Ingredients

Association des Parents Indépendants (French: Independent Association of Parents)

After Project Initiation

American Pirate Industries

Absolute Position Indication

Authenticity Probability Index

Applications, Programs and Indentures

Aircrew Position Indicator (USAF)

Axial Power Indicator

Application Programmers Initiative

Arithmetic Polynomial Interpolation

Arab Payments and Securities Settlement Initiative

Application Process Instruction

Annual Plan for Instruction

Accountable Property Inventory

Advertisers Product Index

Automation Proficiency Improvement (US Postal Service)

Automated Physical Inventory

Agfa and Picker International

Alert Process Improvement (Sprint)

Assistent Project Ingenieur (Dutch: Assistant Project Engineer)

AssassinPokémon Initiative (Anti-Pokemon Organization)

Association of Physicians in Industry

Automating Peripherals Incorporated

Atlantic Paratrans of NYC, Inc

Availability Priority Index

Automated Pellet Inspection

Aisne Plastique Industrie (French: Aisne Plastic Industry; Aisne, France)

Asociación Pueblos Indios (Spanish: Indian Peoples' Association; Costa Rica)