Today, Saturday، 18 Jan 2025 - 06:18

Acronym Finder

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Search result from: AGR


Agricultura (Portuguese and Spanish: Agriculture)

Another Gay Republican

Accounting and Governance Risk

Aggregate Growth Rate

Adjusted Gross Revenue

Acid Gas Removal (natural gas processing)

Andretti Green Racing (auto-racing team)

Active Guard and Reserve (US DoD)

Association of Graduate Recruiters (UK)

Activités Génératrices de Revenus (French: Income Generating Activities)

Annual Growth Rate

Asheville Global Report (North Carolina)

Alpha Gamma Rho fraternity

Actual Gear Ratio

Archives Générales du Royaume (French; Belgian archival office)

AZ Greyhound Rescue (Tucson, AZ)

Radar Picket Ship

Avant-Garde du Rhin (French athletic federation)

AICC (Aviation Industry CBT (Computer-Based Training) Committee) Guidelines and Recommendations

Anatomy Gifts Registry

Abfallentsorgungs-Gesellschaft Ruhrgebiet GmbH (German: Waste Disposal Company)

Agra, India - Kheria (Airport Code)

Air-to-Ground Ranging

Association des Guides du Rwanda

Assume-Guarantee Reasoning

Adaptive Gaussian Representation

Air-Cooled Graphite-Moderated Reactor

Authorized Government Representative

aus.games.roleplay (newsgroup)

Armeegruppe (German Army group)

Anti-Gas Respirator

Antenna Group Refurbishment

Arbitrary Grid Reference (Canada)

Antijam GPS Receiver

Automatic Generation of Resources

Association des Gabonais de Rennes (French: Gabonese Association of Rennes; Rennes, France)

Aggregate Router