Today, Wednesday، 18 Dec 2024 - 15:51

Acronym Finder

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Search result from: AFM

Airplane Flight Manual

Atomic Force Microscope

Atomic Force Microscopy

American Federation of Musicians

Autoriteit Financiële Markten (Dutch:Financial Services and Markets Authority)

Acute Flaccid Myelitis (neurological illness)

As for Me

American Film Market

Active Fuel Management (vehicles)

Administration and Financial Management (various organizations)

Association Française contre les Myopathies


Authority for the Financial Markets (Netherlands)

Adobe Font Metrics (file extension)

Annals of Family Medicine (peer reviewed journal; est. 2003)

Association Figurines et Maquettes de Montrouge (French: Montrouge Miniature Figurines Association; Montrouge, France)

Association Française du Marketing (French: French Marketing Association)

Accounting Financial Management

Adjudicator's Field Manual

Aircraft Flight Manual

Arizona Foothills Magazine (Scottsdale, AZ)

Aeroplane Flight Manual

Air Flow Meter

Association Française de Mécanique (French: French Association of Mechanics)

Assistant Facility Manager (various locations)

Air Force Manual

Adventist Frontier Missions

Armed Forces of Malta

Advanced Fluid Mechanics (course)

Africa Fighting Malaria (advocacy group)

Atmospheric Flight Mechanics (American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics)

Army Field Manual

Amman Financial Market

Active Filter Media (Dryden Aqua Ltd.; UK and France)

Age at First Marriage

Accredited Farm Manager (American Society of Farm Managers & Rural Appraisers, ASFMRA)

Abrasive Flow Machining

Advanced Fatigue Management (safety; Australia)

Academy of Family Mediators (est. 1981; Eugene, OR)

Alliance for Marriage (JewishWorldReview.com)

Archive File Manager (computing)

Air Force Medal

Angel Food Ministries (Georgia)

Advanced File Manager (software)

American Federation of Motorcyclists

Association Française de Musicothérapie (French: French Music Therapy Association)

After Full Moon

Agricultural and Forest Meteorology

Area Field Manager

Audio Frequency Modulation

Archibus Facilities Management (software)

Automated Formal Methods (Workshop)

Aegon Fund Management (Canada)

Alcohol Fermentation Monitor (bioreactor)

Advanced Fabricating Machinery

Austin Farmers' Market (Austin, TX)

Assistant Floor Manager

Air Flow Measurement

Adobe Font Manager

Army Flow Model

Aviation Fleet Maintenance

Armed Forces Museum

Athletic Field Maintenance

Automatic Flight Management

American Family Member

Anadromous Fish Managers

Armed Forces Management

Air Flow Multiplier

Award Fee Milestone

Award Fee Monitor

Aggrieved Family Member (criminology)

Actuated Folding Mirror

Analog Frequency Modulation

Articulating Fold Mirror

Arctic Flight Meet (Finland and Sweden)

Associated Furniture Manufacturers

Anti-Friction Metal

Advertising Federation of Musicians

Axial-Field Machine

Association of Facilities Managers

Association of Futures Market

Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing (Plan; Boston, MA)

Aviation Forecast Model

Automatic Firing Mechanism

Analog Frame Maker

Abounding Faith Ministries (UK)