Today, Wednesday، 18 Dec 2024 - 14:23

Acronym Finder

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Search result from: ADM

Archer Daniels Midland Company

Average Daily Membership (count of students in public education)



Administrative Template (Microsoft)

Architecture Development Method

Astra Daihatsu Motor (Jakarta, Indonesia)

Advanced Development Model

Automated Decision Making

Assistant Deputy Minister (Government of Canada)

Adriamycin (pharmacology)

Administration Building

Add/Drop Multiplexer

Aide au Diagnostic Médical (database/base de données)

Archiv der Mathematik (German: The Mathematics Archives)

Advanced Diploma in Management (various locations)

Aéroports de Montréal (French: Montreal Airports; airport authority; Canada)

Asociación de Dirigentes de Marketing (Spanish: Marketing Managers Association; Uruguay)

Armes de Destruction Massive (French: Weapons of Mass Destruction WMD)

Abu Dhabi Media (Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates)

Advanced Data Mining (engineering software)

AudioRealism Drum Machine

Application Data Management (software)

Architecture-Driven Modernization

Assessment for Decision-Makers (Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion)

Austrian Death Machine (band)

Arnowitt-Deser-Misner (physics theory)

Assyrian Democratic Movement (Iraq)

Abstract Data Model (computing)

Apparel Design and Merchandising (education)


Application Dependency Mapping

Acquisition Decision Memorandum

Average Days on Market (real estate)

Anti-Depressant Medication

Aeronautical Decision Making (aviation)

Alcohol, Drug Abuse and Mental Health

Armas de Destrucción Masiva (Spanish: Weapons of Mass Destruction)

Apple Drive Module (computer hard drive)

Association des Maires (French: Association of Mayors)

Application Discovery Manager (software)

Associate Deputy Minister

Anglican Diocese of Melbourne (Melbourne, Australia)

Abductor Digiti Minimi

Advanced Document Management (software)

Advertising Design Marketing (various locations)

Alternative Delivery Method

Adaptive Delta Modulation

Application Development & Maintenance

Atomic Demolition Munition(s)

Additional Dealer Markup

Animal Damage Management (various organizations)

Acellular Dermis Matrix (breast reconstruction)

Aerospace, Defense & Marine (TE Connectivity)

Abu Dhabi Municipality

Association for Downloadable Media

Absolute Distance Meter (instrumentation)

Anti-Dumping Measure (trade; various organizations)


Adherence Management (Behavioral Education and Research Services, Inc.)

Democratic Alliance for Change (Cape Verde)

Arrow Diagram Method

Add-Drop Multiplex

Altair Data Manager (product development software)

Assistant District Manager

Ay Dios Mio (Spanish: Oh My God; Internet slang)

Amplitude Difference Measure

Air Data Module

Adel, Desoto, Minburn (Iowa school district)

America's Defense Monitor (Center for Defense Information)

Academy of Dental Materials

Anderson Direct Marketing (Poway, CA)

Agency Debit Memo

Australian Defence Magazine

Asterisk Desktop Manager (software)

Absolute Distance Measurement (instrumentation)

Asynchronous Disconnected Mode

Application Development & Management

Adobe Dialog Manager

Assistant Division Manager

AIDS Defining Malignancy

Advanced Designated Marksman (US DoD)

Angular Dependence Model

Animal-Derived Material

Artificial Dielectric Medium

Airport Duty Manager

Angular Distribution Model

Air-launched Decoy Missile

African Democratic Movement

Ambulatory Data Module

Action Description Memorandum

Agent Debit Memo (International Air Transport Association)

Age Doesn't Matter

Account Delivery Manager

Annals of Discrete Mathematics

Alpes Dauphiné Matériaux (French general electric company)

Attorney Decision Maker (US Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs)

Antenna Deployment Mechanism

Assistance, Dépannage, Maintenance (French: Support, Troubleshooting, Maintenance)

All Digital Mode

Analog to Digital Module

Air Decoy Missile

Agarose Diffusion Method

A Dumb Machine

Automatic Display Mode

Application Distribution Module

Architectural Design Manual

Ada Development Method

American Dime Museum

Airside Duty Manager (airport security operations)

Associazione per la Difesa dei Diritti delle Minoranze (Italian)

Applications of Discrete Mathematics

Agile Development Method

Aeronautical Data Maintenance

Association pour le Développement Médical au Vietnam (French: Association for the Medical Development in Vietnam)

Array Decomposition Method

Area Denial Munition

Additional Dealer Margin

Ampere Demand Meter

Alternate Deposition Mode

Acceptance of Disability Modified (pscyhology)

Add-on Data Modules

Administrative Message Manager

Area Division Multiplexing

Asphalt Drum Mixer, Inc.

Automatic Detection Mark

Automatic Disbursing Modules

autism dysmorphology measure

Ardmore, Oklahoma, USA - Ardmore Municipal Airport

Affiliated Dress Manufacturers (New York, NY)