Today, Tuesday، 1 Apr 2025 - 01:49

Acronym Finder

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Search result from: AAL

Art at the Library (Brighton Art Guild; Michigan)

Average Annual Loss (insurance)

Ankara Ataturk Lisesi (Turkish high school)

American Airlines

Ambient Assisted Living (Europe)

Add-A-Leaf (automotive modification)

Adelaide Airport Limited (Australia)

Alaska Airlines

Aborigines Advancement League (est. 1957; Australia)

Advanced Academic Literacy

African American Language

Additional Adoption Leave (UK)

Animal Adoption League (est. 1992)


attorney at law

Animation Art Ltd.

Adelaide Airport Ltd. (Australia)

Aid Association for Lutherans

Australasian Association for Logic (Australia and New Zealand)

Animals as Leaders (band)

Anterior Axillary Line

Above Aerodrome Level

Asian Aviation Logistics (Bangkok, Thailand)

Asynchronous Transfer Mode Adaption Layer

Australian Air League

Aalborg, Denmark - Aalborg (Airport Code)

Alloy Annotation Language

Acceptable Ambient Level

Anatomical Automatic Labeling (digital human brain atlas)

Aero Acoustic Levitation

Association des Artistes Lorrains (French: Lorraine Artists' Association)

Ames Aeronautical Laboratory

Applied Action Level (environment)

Acceptable Ambient Limit

Additional Authorizations List

Account Access Layer

Analog PSTN Access Line

Aircraft Approach Limitation

Active Alarm List

Academy of Asian Leaders

Application Adaption Layer

Authorized Allowance List

Assembly on American Literature

Arctic Aeromedical Lab (Fort Wainwright, AK)

Ateliers d'Art Liturgique (French: Liturgical Art Workshops)

Asociacion Ambientalista Llastay

Association des Attachés Linguistiques (French: Association of Language Staff)

Aircraft Assignment Letter

Anti-Acronym League

Asiana Air Lines

Arthur Alexander Leach (junior high school, Winnipeg, Canada)

Atelier d'Astronomie de Limoges (Astronomical Workshop of Limoges- France)

Address Alignment Logic (computer science)

Agence Alsace Lorraine (French real estate agency)