Today, Monday، 10 Mar 2025 - 15:00

Acronym Finder

What is SSTP ?
Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol
SSTP is one of the methods to implement VPN, which is the ability to transfer the protocols PPP and L2TP, with the use of SSL encryption version 3.0 capable so the highest security in the ways VPN has additionally, with the use of SSL on Port 443 of the TCP can be from almost any Pro-xy and easily pass. This method limits ... connect models SSTP in Windows older than Windows Vista SP1 implementation of not, and, in addition, it for using SSL quickly communicate and exchange information in this manner, especially with a limited band width, traffic, user, a significant drop can't find....
What is AFS ?
Andrew File System
AFS is a file system distributed to the ease of acquiring files remotely on the network. AFS belongs to the company Transarc. In the beginning, as part of the project Andrew in the center of Information Technology at the University of Carrnegie-Mellon was produced....
What is ASF ?
Advanced Systems Format
The format of the advanced (ASF) is a file format extensible is that, in order for a service and broadcast disciplines (streams) digital synchronous (synchronized), and transferring them in a network of computer etc. design. ASF includes The for content-based audio media of Windows (Windows Media Audio) and video media Windows (Windows Media Video). The extension WMA or WMV to specify a file, ASF will be used in such a manner that this file contains the contents of the code by the code manufacturer (coder) of the MWA and WMV. The format SDK is format media be to create and read files of media Windows used and as files of ASF include other types of , compressed, or compaction Walmart (uncompressed Data), as an example....
What is APM ?
Advanced Power Management
Interface program storage functional (API), which is Microsoft and Intel provided the power consumption of personal computers, and especially computers batteries. comments.
so to program, the possibility is given, in relation to the needs of the power consumption with the system, communicate system and also grasping electrical components hard that are not used to cut....
What is ATM ?
Adobe Type Manager
Software from Adobe System, which manages fonts, Post Script in a system is responsible....
What is AMT ?
Address Mapping Table
that router, or DNS servers to get the IP corresponding with the name of a source computer, for example, the name of a host computer on the internet can be tough....
What is ADPCM ?
Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation
In a country such as Iran that the expansion of the network call through a digital network looking for. the use of the technique that the capacity of the transmission network, telephone, digital PCM, increases. necessary and desirable. Span and all-consuming being a telephony network, causing an increased demand for sending non-speech information ( such as data, image and . . . ) On the phone lines.
so due to limitation of band channel, telephone the necessary signal talk as much as possible compressed, we the most common techniques to do this, use the system ADPCM. For this reason, in recent years, the recommendations of the CCITT for the conversion of the signal log-PCM, bit rate kbps 64 to signal ADPCM with a bit rate, the less is offered....
What is ADA ?
Augusta Ada Byron
Ida, Ada, resources, English ADA also can be written) is a programming language and high-level is that in the year 1983 ad by the US Department of defense was created. To create this programming language over any other language, the cost spent.

the name of the language ADA for the honour of Ada Lovelace, etc., that the first programming language in the world, wrote selected....