Today, Monday، 10 Mar 2025 - 17:29

Acronym Finder

What is GIF ?
Graphics Interchange Format
(GIF) extension letter, and specify a texture file, graphics, fixed or animated. This short name is Graphics Interchange Format (template, swap the graphic). This graphical format by the company was introduced, and now widely used for images published on the web goes to work....
What is GIMP ?
GNU Image Manipulation Program
GIMP manipulation program (and retouch) images GNU that with the abbreviated name GIMP ... a free software and open source is to build and process images and Vector pictures goes to work. This software is licensed under the GGPL-can be used.

of the uses of this program can be used to make logos and logo etc. size of the reorientation and garnishing photos, change the color, close up images, removing the images that do not need and convert video, audio, images, noted. Also make the images simple animation also with this software is possible. In an overall perspective GIMP Free Software alternative to Photoshop....
What is PSD ?
Photo Shop Document
PSD format, etc. proprietary format, the program Photoshop can be this format, a large volume compared to the other formats supported in Photoshop dedicated to the. After unlocking a file with this extension notice layers, all the layers of administration, and the like, so you can file that with the PSD format saved changes.
When you open this format in other programs with the shapes you will encounter. PSD format from the layer, the channels and each of the states, RGB color, etc., CMYK, etc. lab color, multichannel, etc. grayscale support....
What is PS ?
Photo Shop
Adobe Photoshop (Photoshop, meaning photography workshops) is a processor graphics that have gotten the company Adobe and expanded to create, combine, edit, etc. the reconstruction or transformation photos and picture, used. Photoshop for the Windows operating system and Mac goes to work. Also writing various the software for writing? in Linux operating system also with the help of the tools in the middle (like cross-) is applicable. The latest official version of this software version XII it is the name Adobe Photoshop DC 5 be known. (SS stands for Creative Suite and is meant to program creative.)...
What is PS ?
Post Script
Post script (PostScript and summary, PS) is a programming language dynamic, and the adjoint is by John Warnock and Charles Geschke in 1982, was designed. Post script is a page description language that an interpreter runs until an image is created. Post script the best known languages to describe the pages in the field of electronics and to publish the desktop....
What is SATA ?
Serial Advanced Technology Attachment
Interface advanced consecutive or SATA is a passageway or route for public communication tools, data storage (such as hard drive and optical drive) to the host.

crossings host SATA the often computers, laptop boards, desktop computers of today is embedded. Interface SATA to replace the standards, Ata (ATA) or the ID (IDE) is designed. This interface, like iPhone, commands, low-level runs, but host and accessories tools by means of a communication cable, conductor pair wire, consecutive, and more connected to each other. In a comparison. interface parallel ATA 16 conductor information, each in a very Lower work uses. In this case, the interface is SATA, the superiority of multiple compared to the interface parallel ATA (Parallel ATA or PATA) offers. Reduce the width of the wire interface and the cost of it; can reduce wire, the inner from the eighty numbers to seven numbers; the higher speed and efficiency more data transfer and fast switching capability of the advantage of SATA.

The Year 2009 interface, SATA alternative interfaces were. Interface often in industrial applications remained, because the dependent storage type-speed and compact (CompactFlash). Although a variety of new standardization of this method based on SATA will be....
What is IDE ?
Integrated Drive Electronics
Interface electronic integrated rotating disk, which with the letters of the abbreviation ID (IDE), known from the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) filed advanced technology (Advanced Technology Attachment) can be read, a line of communication between the passageway, Bard, and tools storage computer like hard disk and floppy. Interface ID, based on the standard 16 bits in the architecture of the standard IBM Code, but there are computers that standard, else they use can also goes to work. This interface on behalf of the company, IBM, and Compaq was introduced in 1984.

interface ID, in the beginning, just to connect hard drive was suitable, and tools such as CD-ROM and treadmill of the mediator system (SCSI stands for small computer system interface) or interface, dedicated sound card, and floppy. So, interface ID, protocol was equipped with tools, another storage in addition to hard drive also through it to be enjoyed, attached....
What is SDK ?
Software Development kit
Software development kit, or SDK, sets, functions and libraries compiled that producers of software for easy, programming for the environment, or platform, certain provide and in the discretion of the application programmers....