Today, Monday، 10 Mar 2025 - 18:05

Acronym Finder

What is DVD ?
Digital Versatile/Video Disc
From year 1996, which disks store the data with the format called DVD entered the market. so far, extensions are several on the added extension, and as such, they can be used to suffixes -R, R, RW, RW, R DL.

When you want a DVD you buy, should be careful that the DVD player you which type of DVD encoding and do not trouble. To buy the DVD should also type your requirement, also consider the. For example: to create a backup of the apps, your computer, DVD-RAM the most suitable option, or is it a DVD that is playable by the device, a DVD player, is DVD-R the best choice. So we recommend you always make sure the DVD it's kind of a special DVD, which do you envisage your support. This issue is usually in the profile of DVD player in the prospectus it indicated....
What is TIA ?
Total Information Awareness
TIA is a software that search ran in among the bank, the massive information it can be that the cover its intelligence in the form of geometric progression [the order in a very large scale] increases....
What is ICDL ?
International Computer Driving Licence
ICDL certificate International Computer User is that by foundation, CD, El, offered and received, it means to achieve a degree of skill in working with computers is that individual ability and skills, introductory work with your computer. Your LCD has two levels and is proof that the worldwide credit. Learn your LCD is quite easy, and just requires an understanding of software and computer hardware....
What is LPIC ?
Linux Professional Institute Certification
LPIC is now one of the most prestigious degree available in the field of Linux. Of the most important characteristics of this degree, \"Vendor-less\" of being, or in other words, the lack of dependence on it to a certain version of Linux....
What is LPI ?
Linux Professional Institute
El pao or foundation professional Linux (LPI) is a foundation, a non-profit is that the possibility of sales-independent certificate for professional network administrators or programmers, Linux work . The company is also a product called LPIC offers.This product East that the amount of the ability of entities ensures . Also try El Pao in all countries that are applicable also to a large number of languages have been translated....
What is LSM ?
Linux Socket Monitor
LSM, a system alert is a comprehensive install and use, it is very easy. The use of a system of relatively simple, yet logical feature of it. LSM changes in either the socket (Network Sockets and Unix Domain Sockets) to identify the useful information from them is stored....
What is NOS ?
Network Operating System
Operating system network operating system is special support from the network design. The same can be said network operating system software is a network traffic and queue messages on the control it does. Also control the access of multiple user to a resource on the network, such as a file, is responsible for the Operations Management important, such as security control, enabling. Operating systems-based servers (Server) in addition, regulatory and ... security and managerial support of work in the network will also at the same time to several users to provide. Operating system that there is a network, Be Aware (Network-Aware) can access to network resources for users provide. Unlike operating systems single-user, the operating system should requests received from multiple workstations to answer and point out details, because the acquisition and communication network, allocate and share resources, protect data and control errors as well management.

an acronym it NOS. Network OS, also called.
What is AVR ?
Advanced Virtual RISC
He was AR AVR family of one of the species nodal is a new company (Atmel), the marketed electronics. This nodal eight-bit due to the capability of programming by a compiler language, programming high-level (HLL), the highly regarded fall. This trimmer from the architecture of RISC entitled to have the company tried, with the use of the architecture, advanced and commands, optimized, etc., the volume of code generated and speed the implementation of the program will enhance. One of the specifications of this type trimmer having 32 the stability of the all-purpose. Also in this trimmer, memory low-consumption and non-volatile FLASH and EEPROM can be used....