Today, Monday، 10 Mar 2025 - 20:43

Acronym Finder

What is PIN ?
Personal Identification Number
The Pin numbers identify the individual.
number of protective that sometimes the computer system before being able to get System Access, or before using a terminal, sales information, Order Information, enter or get. the necessary....
What is PILOT ?
Programmed Inquiry Learning Or Teaching
Pilot is a programming language, all-purpose, but a means of BBW, which is to help create learning software computer-assisted (CAL) and especially CAL designed.
this language almost sentences, strong dialog - processing-free grammar, etc. is formed....
What is PERT ?
Program Evaluation and Review Technique
Technology Assessment and review program.
a method manage project control, and long-term that requires Analysis, Size, time required for each step of a process and the relationships of each stage relative to the activities of the next steps....
What is NS ?
Name Server
Name Server or NS address is on the internet for hosting web sites is defined. In other words, a internet server, using the NS dedicated their identifiable.
usually, often servers the internet has two NS. For example, the address NS, is the following:

What is NDBMS ?
Network DataBase Management System
Management System, database, network...
What is MVT ?
Multiprogramming with a Variable number of Tasks
Multi programming with variable number of tasks. What program are....
What is MUMPS ?
Massachusetts general hospital Utility Multi Programming System
MUMPS is a programming language that, especially for the deployment records, medical is designed. This language in the management of the alliance, we and technical manipulation of the text. strong....