Today, Monday، 10 Mar 2025 - 19:02

Acronym Finder

What is RFP ?
Request For Proposal
Written that to the hardware vendors and software sent them requests that the proposed equipment and software to provide that the characteristics of the system to satisfy....
What is RDBMS ?
Relational Data Base Management System
Management system relational database...
What is ZWNJ ?
Zero Width Non Joiner
Distance virtual, that to it a distance of zero, and sometimes half the distance, said. characters in the standard Ionic code is for typesetting computer some line, such as Line, English line, goes to work.

in English, this characters in cases where the two letters together do not stick, but the distance, visible not used. For example, in the word, "home." "can be" and "productivity". (Note the difference with "home," and "to be" and "efficiency" that in them from a distance, the typical use is that form of incorrect typing, vocabulary).

The Code of these characters in the standard Ionic Code U 200C. The characters in the national standard number 6219 Iran is also standard. Name, distance, virtual, first in the national standard, 3342, Iran standard....
What is XFCE ?
X Forms Cool Environment
X f c (Xfce), a desktop (graphical user interface, which the operating system placed). The desktop more on the Unix and operating systems similar to it, such as GNU/Linux and Solaris runs.
What is XSL ?
eXtensible Stylesheet Language
Language on views, style or X SSL (XSL), a language set based on the x-TH el that to describe the formatting or conversion of the X-Files The Used.
What is XMMS ?
X Multi Media System
System multimedia X or XMMS free software audio player very similar Vienna . The software on most systems, Unix-like executables....
What is XP ?
eXtreme Programming
Program storage inordinate briefly that XP also. ... a methodology of software development in which the goal is to increase software quality and responsiveness to the needs of the changing user. As the strains of the development of Agile software (agile software developmnet) of the release (release), alternating in short cycle development, with the aim of improving production capabilities and the introduction of points of control (Check Point) to comply with the needs of the new user, to defend....
What is NFS ?
Network File System
An acronym NFS is a file system distributed by the company, Sum Microsystems produced and to the users ' Workstations, Windows NT and Unix, allowing the species to the directories and files of the remote achievement have if local....