SIG often a subset of a specialized organization or club, the use participants have been from members with an interest in common, such as a group who have a common interest to "computers in medicine" are formed....
SCR controlled Silicon. Semiconductor device that controls large amounts, flow, or DC voltage is useful. essentially, this device. , which is by a voltage signal applied to the electrode control to the name of the gate (gate), etc. on or off. It features the same tube, electron, lamp, vacuum can be and why it sometimes Thyristor say....
RPG, A the language celebrity, programming, business-oriented, that a high-level structured and has a fairly learning it is easy. the language to the person, allows that many of the commercial operations to programming and besides, the reports to produce. A program fairly simple RPG can be assignments, commercial complex will do....
ROM is generally a memory chip with a solid state that at the time its production planning has been, and can not, again by using a computer planning. Another name it FirmWare. because the name implies the male CE is a software that is permanent, has been, or to be definitive on a chip is located....