Today, Monday، 10 Mar 2025 - 16:09

Acronym Finder

What is VAB ?
Voice Answer Back
VAB, a device reply , which can be a computer system to a network, a telephone connected, and hence acoustic response, request comparable to that of the terminal Call done offer....
What is MSA ?
Micro Soft Access
Microsoft Access (MSA) is one of the components of Microsoft Office, which is to create a database relationship is used. This database software jet with a user interface and graphical tool for producing software combination....
What is LVS ?
Layout Versus Schematic
Makeup in front of the general plan (LVS), a class of software, inspection automation, electronics design (EDA) that determines whether an arrangement circuit Comprehensive the particular to the general plan of the main or circuit diagram would answer or not.
software, check the LVS shapes drawn make-up identifies that components of the electrical circuit to a good relationship between them shows. Then Software them with the general plan or circuit diagram, compare appreciated....
What is KDE ?
Kool Desktop Environment
Kay De (KDE), a project to develop a desktop (graphical user interface that the operating system is placed), and other related software. This Desktop, more on Unix, etc., Linux, SMS, etc., AIX, and Solaris, which runs lately, it can be used on Windows and Mac OS also installed.

When, in 1996, Matthias, Austria (Matthias Ettrich) , to bring. At that time, some of the features of desktop Unix for his problem. such that none of its programs, the appearance and the function of coordination in this regard. At the same time,, to build a set of applications were not, and build a desktop that all user needs to fix its bid. Her easy-to-use from desktop also the criterion to build the alliance and thus the project, Kay, was born....
What is DPI ?
Deep packet inspection
Inspection deep packet (DPI) is a type of filter packets in a computer network is that the header section or the data packets in the network for the existence of the information is inappropriate based on the criteria predefined. If the pack allowed became known from the filter and passes otherwise, depending on the route, another sent, or to collect statistical data and review stored. IP packets from one part of the data, along with several headers have been formed. Network equipment is generally the first header need....
What is WEP ?
Wired Equivalent Privacy
The equivalent security of wired (WEP) is a security algorithm your iPhone, Tripple, 802 is 11 (IEEE 802.11) for wireless networks is that because of the weakness of it nowadays is not recommended. WEP as part of the protocol 802 the 11 original in 1997 was introduced. The purpose of it is to provide connection confidentiality, comparable to the traditional networks, wired. This protocol is based on cryptographic algorithm RC4 with keys, Series 40-bit or 104-bit is a IV 24-bit combined, and for encryption is used.The purpose of this protocol, as from the name it is confidential keep the information at a level equivalent to a network-based wire. WEP security end-to-end does not guarantee....
What is SSID ?
Service Set Identifier
Automatic configuration of the network name...
What is STRESS ?
Structural Engineering System Solver
A language issue-oriented, that is to solve fundamental engineering goes to work....