Today, Monday، 10 Mar 2025 - 12:24

Acronym Finder

What is J2SE ?
Java 2 platform Standard Edition
Platform Java, writing the standard, which for brevity Java SE can be written. Up to rel 5.0, it to the words show developer the Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition, and with the myopic wrote J2SE be up for its current income. standard, a set of interfaces, programming. This writing, as the writing base for the writing, organizational, and writing . Writing the current Java. 6. This writing in December 2006 (December 1385) published 21 times update is latest that of July 2010(July 1389) is distributed....
What is J2EE ?
Java 2 platform Enterprise Edition
Platform, Java, writing, organizational, etc. that form the abbreviation J2EE, also for the nomenclature used, platform used for programming brokers in the programming language . enterprise from the writing platform, standard Java is distinctive, because the language by adding libraries to simplify the implementation of software applications for multi-layer design....
What is JME ?
Java Micro Edition
The Java version of the micro (JME), part of the platform Java is for programming on small devices goes to work.In the past, to the platform, etc. J2ME they....
What is JWM ?
Joe's Window Manager
A (window manager, Joe) is a window manager for the system window X, that is, by "Joe " is written.

Jay to the programming language C is written, and from Oaks El iPhone, only to be minimalistic.

support for the following items can be described as time options-compile be added:
- icons VPN A or XP
- x-f-t
- (Xinerama)
- ferry Beady Eye (FriBidi)
- the development of form (Shape Extension)

Jay an interface similar to the Windows 95 look modern and offers can be some of the things GNOME and the window manager, motif and support....
What is QL ?
Query Languages
Language, question (QL) programming languages for Applied questions on databases and Information Systems....
What is CPLD ?
Complex Programmable Logic Device
Programmable device logical...
What is FPGA ?
Field Programmable Gate Array
Array of valves, programmable, track and field, or F IP a (FPGA) is an integrated circuit which is designed in such a way is up after mass production, etc. configured by designer or customer. To this due to its applications in the field say.

F Pi a, an integrated circuit programmable. In comparison with advantage of them is that all programs for hardware are implemented. In fact, a f Pi a set of logical blocks, is composed of the reasonable performance of each of these blocks in addition to the other, they can be output to the spark.

FPGA generally is a language describing hardware (HDL). The FPGA can be used for implementing any type of rational function used.The ability to functions implementation. implementation of the re-design and cost down the design and implementation of spread, causing ever-increasing use of it....
What is VHDL ?
Very Highlevel Design Language
His friend, El (VHDL) is a language describing hardware . Language VHDL for the first time by the US Department of defense in order to design and describe circuits, complex high-speed design was used . Then in 1987 by the IEEE (Association of Electrical and electronic engineers)in the form of standard IEEE 1076-1987 was presented. After a few years and do part the corrections, standard second, this language, under the title IEEE 1076-1993 at the disposal of the public was put ....