Today, Friday، 7 Mar 2025 - 06:44

Acronym Finder

What is GNOME ?
GNU Network Object Model Environment
Gnome is a desktop environment, the graphical user interface that the operating system is placed) and a global project involves the construction of a set of software development tools, the number of software for computers desktop, file management, task and window.

The Gnome part of the GNU project and can be used in operating systems Unix-like including GNU/Linux system, desktop, Java on Solaris....
What is AE ?
After Effects
Software Adobe After (AE):
the first version of this application by the company of art and Technology, USA, in 1993, supply was. The second version of the 1994 in that same year, the company, Adobe company, the above buy and the software "Adobe After 3" was released. Software Aldus also from the same company in 1994 bought.

all the historical events above in 2004 (ad) for software Adobe (Adobe autdition) happened.

this software is one of the most powerful tools for animation of two-dimensional and cinematic special effects in the world that the revolution of attitude towards animation and TV created. This software coordinating a high with Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Doc and Adobe .
What is AVG ?
Anti Virus Grisoft
He ji the name of a series of anti-virus products for Platform Windows and Linux.

antivirus, he a by company AVG Technologies, which is a private company in the country of Czech Republic can be produced. The company in the year 1991 by Jan Gritzbach has been established. In early September 2005 a large part of the company by Intel purchased....
What is AWS ?
Amazon Web Services
Web Services, Amazon, or Web Services Amazon (AWS), a set of Web Services (web service) that Amazon has on the substrate the cloud and through the internet to the public supply. IT services technology infrastructure information for service flexible to our clients rental offers.

these services include services computing and (EC2), the storage (S3), the delivery of content, database, e-commerce, pay, and billing and other items. Amazon provide this service to the public from the beginning of 2006 started....
What is PDMS ?
Plant Design Management System
Software kit for the design of three-dimensional that more engineering companies for the design and modeling computer, a collection industrial use. An important feature of this software allows the design time part of engineering it is....
What is YM ?
Yahoo Messenger
Yahoo! Messenger or Instant Messenger, Yahoo! Is software with which the user with another user, can be found in every corner of the world for online conversation. Unlike email, etc. the conversations in this software, immediately after sending the can be displayed....
What is YUM ?
Yellowdog Update Manager
Yum or Yellow dog Updater Modified, or Yellow dog Update Manager, which according to it, YUM is said to be, a software application, source, open, be sure to manage software packages compatible with the RPM in the Linux operating system is used. This software by Seth Vidal and a group of programmers volunteering was produced and is licensed under the GNU (GNU) published. This project now as part of the project, Linux, Duke of, Duke University is maintained. Although YUM is a tool based on command-line. tools different that for its graphical user interface creates also have been produced. Including this tool can be pup up. pirut and yumex....
What is MDI ?
Multiple Document Interface
Program, MDI to programs it can be said that they have a main window to which the parent (Parent) is said to be, and several of the window as a child (Child) in them? for example, can be applied to programs such as Power Point or Word and... noted....