Today, Monday، 10 Mar 2025 - 01:00

Acronym Finder

What is SD ?
Standard Definition
Type video formats for movies with normal quality (standard) that SD too HD quality is lower....
What is GPIB ?
General Purpose Interface Bus
Arcade interface, all-purpose, or what is more famous is the GPIB name bass, and the protocol is that for the first time in the company of PHP to communicate reliable, measuring tools, came into existence.

This Bass series has a three-signal Hand-Shaking is the same its reliability will raise. Also, all messages and communications must Acknowledge, are otherwise, again, about send.

JP iPhone, your iPhone, Tripple, measures, standard considered the needs of the IT, entitled The IEEE 488 has released. Any system, JP, IP, need to a card control, each controller can have up to 256 devices to the service.

connectors, JP, IP, type .

In order to connect on an interface, all-purpose to the computer, it is necessary from the cards interface with the special cable should be used.

a variety of cables and cards are available that can be used to Converter GPIB to USB or in casual, PCI noted companies, National and Kant Japan, including companies let down that this type of cards offer.

cables 1 meter to 4 meters as well as two side connector, to connect devices to a computer are available....
What is WPS ?
Wi-Fi Protected Setup
WiFi (setup protected WiFi) or WT.Pi.SMS standard is to make network to form Safe and easy. This standard on 8 January 2007 by the Union of WiFi officially started.

The purpose of this standard facilitates the process of configuration security wireless network is, and the reason is that previously the Wi-Fi Simple Config was called. This protocol, in order to possible security for users, the design is a little information about the security of wireless network are, and may be among the options available for establishing access restrictions on the wireless network confused stay....
What is PAP ?
Password Authentication Protocol
Protocol to confirm password, or the pope (pap) a simple protocol is that in computer networks, to identify and confirm the accuracy of the profile of a user in a VoIP network can be used. Provide structural services on the internet, from the protocols they use. Pop is the protocol point-to-point to be handled....
What is DNSSEC ?
Domain Name System Security Extensions
Attach the security the domain name system (briefly DNSSEC) is a set of characteristic strike force Internet Engineering (briefly IETF) for securing some types of information prepared by the domain name system, etc., with that in Internet Protocol (abbreviated IP) network are used.

computer at the beginning of the relationship with the internet, the Internet Protocol address of a service provider, the domain name system (DNS resolver) (which is usually earlier, by company, supplier of internet services they are set up) as the server the domain name system of your determine. From this time onwards, the computer, any internet address that the intention of referring to it is the first service provider, the domain name system of your data with the help of it, address Internet Protocol address it internet come. The service provider system a domain name reply back after performing a number of questions in a chain (recursion) from other service providers, the domain name system, computer, user, returns. Is simple, these questions and answers lead to the translation of the name of an internet address to Internet Protocol address gets it.

In order to avoid receiving the wrong information by the system, the domain name in time, get answers questions the chain (in order to find the Internet Protocol address can be done) that by the United States and the attacker's (Hacker) created and on the internet. protocol under the title of the Annex Security the domain name system was created. The result of the existence of such information, the wrong get the Internet Protocol address wrong and back it up to the computer user that makes the connection of computers to the service provider address other than the address requested, the user can be. For example, the applicant is the website of a bank, instead of viewing the website its main, a website is fake and obviously, this can be achieved for any possible abuse open world.

the use of the protocol, the Annex Security the domain name system instead of the old way and the usual use of the domain name system can be the answer suitable for such problems has been and thereby prevent the received information from sources wrong on the internet and fuzzies prevents the occurrence of abuse possible .

This protocol properly a content in the time doing questions and answers, the chain does not guarantee, but can only properly the identity of the publisher of that content, to examine. Thus, each service provider, the domain name system can be sure someone answers a question, gives the same that should be not a service provider, wrong. In other words, if the effect of human mistake, and even information wrong about the name of a web site on the internet. this protocol is able to detect this wrong, but can only be the identity of the publisher of the content it confirm whether this is the same publisher that should be waiting to hear a reply from it was or not....
What is IPSec ?
Internet Protocol Security
IPsec is a set of several protocols that to secure internet protocol communications by authentication and encryption per packet (packet) in a trajectory data goes to work. This protocol joint product of Microsoft and Cisco Systems, Inc., which in itself is interesting ....
What is MPLS ?
Multi Protocol Label Switching
In the global network of computers and communication, telemarketing, switching labels (MPLS) is a mechanism to carry data is that some of the characteristics of the network, switching the Rotary on the network switch envelope competition. MPLS layer in OSI model acts that in general, the meanings of the traditional layer 2 (transport layer data) and Layer 3 (network layer) is considered, so often, to Layer 2 and 3, reference does, and some it layer 2/5 call. MPLS in order to provide the service carry data for the customer, the Rotary and the client, switching the envelope, which is a service model diagrams, it can produce was designed. It can carry various types of traffic includes packets, the IP well, Sonet, etc., ATM and Ethernet, use geared....
What is IS-IS ?
Intermediate Sysytem-Intermediate System
System to intermediate system Intermediate., the IS-is or iPhone SMS-iPhone SMS (IS-IS) mode, short phrase, Intermediate Sysytem-Intermediate System is a method designed to transfer useful data in a computer network, a group of computers connected together for physical and or similar devices.

This protocol by determining the best path for data transmission in a network of the type of switching pack, do it.The protocol in ISO/IEC 10589:2002 as an international standard on the reference model the OSI, or The Associated open systems was defined. Although it is originally an ISO standard. with this organization, the IETF defined the protocol as a standard internet released. IS-IS or system interfaces-system interfaces, as a de facto standard for backbone service providers Great be considered....