What is DJVU ?Déjà vu
DjVu that for "Fort wo" is pronounced, a format for computer files is mostly for storing pictures, scanning (scanning) the enclosures are placed. Its main application is for the file that has the entries and draw the linear.
the right technology, such as layer separation, written and images, progressive loading, and ... uses.
an image unique to a large number of image splits and then each of them separately compressed. To create a file of the original image first, three separate image split: image background, image surface and the image mask. Images the top and the background, usually color images with low resolution are (for example, 100, Pi, IP,), masks an image tangles with clarity, ballast (for example, 300, IP, IP,) and usually the text in this layer are stored. Wallpapers and supernatant by a compression algorithm based on violet called IW44 compression will be. The image of the mask by means of a method called JB2 (similar to the method of JBIG2) compression can be applied, in which a problem that is almost the same, have been identified (for example, a characters of, especially from a special font) and they are compacted and then, that it should be the image on the screen appear save. So instead of the pressed down multiple of the letter "A" in a specified font, the letter only once, compressed, and then the places that should be displayed on-screen to be recorded. Feel free to make this bug to codes, ski mappings. (or manually or by a software detection, text) and put them in the case of save. If such there is the possibility of selecting and copying from the text will also be there....