Today, Sunday، 9 Mar 2025 - 05:24

Acronym Finder

What is UML ?
Unified Modeling Language
Modeling language a (Unified Modeling Language) or "Yo! El", a language modeling all-purpose standard in the field of software engineering is that by the management group the object (Object Management Group) was created. At present (2010 ad) the latest version of the language, version 2. the 2 is that in 2007 the profile it was released.

with the use of Yo th El can be almost any application, which may be on any combination of hardware, platforms, programming language, and network, run the modeling.Design based on the concepts of object Yo the causes that are intrinsically linked with the environment and languages of Object-Oriented programming (such as C Plus Plus, etc., Java and C#) full compatibility. though it can be used for modeling applications, non-object-oriented, such as programs that, with languages, Visual Basic, etc. and Fortran entries are also used....
What is DFL ?
Domain Function Level
In the case of domain Domain Controller...
What is WYSIWYG ?
What You See is What You Get
More programs editor and editor of the sites can be observed, and means that whatever type matches the view will be is....
What is JPG ?
Joint Photographic Group
Name JPG stands for joint photography experts, etc. to the name of the committee a standard JPG and also other standards. This is one of the two sub-groups of the technical committee the joint ISO / IEC 1 29., the sub-committee. working group 1 (ISO / IEC JTC 1/SC 29/WG 1) - titled coding of images fixed in the year 1986, held on....
What is NFE ?
Nokia Firmware Editor
Software NFE to tune the firmware, the Nokia goes to work.
to be easier; the software is to create desired changes on the operating system, Nokia phones...
What is DDR ?
Double Data Rate
DDR stands for Double Data Rate, is because in Rome, the SD in each pulse of the clock, a data package was sent, therefore, in Rome, DDR in any pulse clock data package send they speed doubly-crafted (in the edge of the climber, the clack of a package and on the edge of the bottom of scrollable the same clock, a pack of other send)....
What is NSU ?
Nokia Software Updater
Software product company Nokia to update Nokia phones
this software with Nokia PC Suite and Nokia Ovi Suite installed....