Today, Monday، 10 Mar 2025 - 01:16

Acronym Finder

What is ASX ?
The Advanced Stream Redirector
Flow management, advanced
if you notice, the source of all video and TV, online, internal and External a low file size format, the ASX is that when in Windows the IT double-click can be a video intended for online playing....
What is FSB ?
front-side bus
In PCs, arcade side-the front of a bus data that carries data between the CPU and Northbridge. Depending on the processor used in the system, some crossings may be an arcade side-rear also have that processor to cache communication.
bandwidth or the maximum admission capacity of the passageway-side-up to the length of the data, the frequency of the clock(Clock), and the number of data in each cycle is sent, depends.For example, a bandwidth of 64-bit processor, at frequency of 100MHz, four of which data in each cycle sends a bandwidth equivalent of 3200MB per second(MB/s)

What is CAB ?
Template, archive and compressed Microsoft products...
What is WMV ?
Windows Media Video
Windows Media Player (Windows Media Player) is one of the software for playing movies and music making company, Microsoft, is that in the environment of the Windows operating system runs. This software is able to display images on personal computers. The latest version provided the software now, Windows Media Player 12 for operating system Windows 7.

texture, that means this program are run: wma, wax, wmv, wvx, asf, asx wpl wm wmx wmd wmz, mp3, m3u, avi, wav, mpeg, mpg, mpe m1v, mp2, mpv2 mp2v, mpa, mid, midi, rmi aif aifc aiff au snd...
What is AAC ?
Advanced Audio Codings
AAC is a type of file format the audio is, generally, on the internet, it used to be almost a kind of alternative to MP3 files is that at the same time, the quality high and the volume a bit, there are a variety of new it AAC and AAC....
What is M4A ?
MPEG 4 Audio
M4A some kind of file extension is primarily with the \'mobile MPEG - 4 layer audio.
files available in a format M4A in fact, the layer of audio (non-video) 4 movies MPEG.Bars, is M4A, to become the new standard for compressed audio files.This template is also Apple Lossless, etc., Apple Lossless encoder, or ale known.This codec New designed to offer support in storage space, lossless is less....
What is PPS ?
Power Point Show
PPS format demo PowerPoint files.

Microsoft (Microsoft PowerPoint), a program demo now everywhere, developed for the operating systems Microsoft Windows and Mac OS. In many cases, along with business, education can be used, including the most commonly used form, compelling the preparation for the use of technology....