Today, Monday، 10 Mar 2025 - 00:58

Acronym Finder

What is JRE ?
Java Runtime Environment
JRE includes a virtual machine and also a series of library functions of Java, which enables Java applications to the operating system run slow....
What is JDK ?
Java Development Kit
JDK category of programs, the command line is to create, compile and run a Java program is used....
What is SSP ?
Security Support Provider
Support service provider security...
What is LDAP ?
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
LDAP, a standard protocol for accessing and updating list(directories) distributed (Distributed) offers.

LDAP stands for Lightweight Directory Access Protocol is a set of safeguards (Protocols) and knowledge, access to information, branches are distributed. that in LDAP you have to you this allows the information in the tree information directories (Directory Information Tree - DIT) are put to use. For example, in a network, this tree contains information of the objects existing in the network, such as users, etc. breakthrough. program........
What is VOD ?
Video On Demand
VOD service broadcast video and file sharing image on the substrate, the IP can be that its application in the broadcast television and ... watch live, Congress, conference, or sports competitions.
In this scenario, users after choosing photos, images, video, etc. enter the system identity verification. and then after entering the user ID and password. can to information access. This is one of the protocols for identity verification, such as LDAP are used.

the advantages of the playbook VOD:
- watch live conferences and seminars
- watch live on website
- use communication platform reliable WIMAX...
What is MTU ?
Maximum Transmission Unit
The word MTU in terms network means maximum transfer unit.
in the system, The Associated computer for data transfer them on to divide that by The information to the destination, it seems that this with respect to the substrate telecom size different can have, for example, in Ethernet, the default size 1500 bytes.
this number is in most operating systems, and device network (layer 3 and above) can be adjusted in Windows XP, just go through the registry, you can it is determine....
What is MPAI ?
Messaging Application Programming Interface
Mediator planning program, applications send messages (MAPI)is a style of sending messages and a model objective builder-based API for Windows ....
What is SDCC ?
Secure Direct Client-to-Client
Another species, SDCC , DCC is and from Connect that code, safe, support. supported.