Today, Saturday، 23 Nov 2024 - 23:05

Acronym Finder

What is BSOD ?
Blue Screen Of Death
Page BSOD, usually when they appear to be an error of critical in the computer occur, turn off the system in front of the possible to be taken. BSOD or the Blue Screen of Death screen error blue tint that is usually when the error of the hardware in the RAM or drivers, etc. Error software in the registry windows and damage to files of dll, zinc. Company Microsoft year free that are upgrading the operating system Windows, but still the problem to solve is not. Problem that on systems other factors, such as Linux or Apple ك less can be seen.
in the operating system of Windows based on the NT record incorrect hardware or performance incorrect causes them displaying this page. In Series 9 x, there is a file of dll incompatibilities or bugs in the Internal at the core of the operating system, etc. can cause a page of blue.
of course, but physical, such as damage to memory, changing voltage, power, etc. going up is the temperature of the hardware., the manuscript of electricity to, or other hardware, or work paint more than be a hardware also cause which page of the water in all the operating system are based on Windows from version 3.1 onwards.

in a, general view of this page can be the reasons many have, that the most important, they used to
1– thus, software (for example, damage see drivers)
2– thus, hardware...
What is DMS ?
Database Management System
DMS stands for system management database. software that is creating the ... management, updates and control database of the data simple. Of the database in almost all software applications have to the species of them is used....
What is CRC ?
Cyclical Redundancy Check
CRC is a computational method that's complicated to check out properly a the digital transmission on a connection of communication, or to ensure, malfunctioning, and the integrity of a file stored on the hard disk . The computer transmitter is one of the formula multiple to calculate an amount of the information available in the data used. and the amount of the block containing the message before being sent message is added .The computer, receiver, computing the same on the same data performs, and this number, together with the CRC received, compared . If the two CRC match together dies. represents an error of transmission. and the computer receiver computer to the sender a request to send data again. This procedure as a check of redundancy is known, because, as in every transfer, we own the data we have, including the values, check additional error, or added. As a security survey, a CRC it is possible to compare the size of the executable file against the original size to determine whether the file has been tampered or in any way altered is used.
the validity of the above method is very high and very widely used....
What is NAC ?
Negative Acknowledgment
NAC in communications, a code control ASCII 21 is by the computer, the recipient is sent to announce that is given for true is not and must be re-sent....
What is BNF ?
Backus Naur Form
The BNF for the grammar expression grammar formal language used is expected, and in the theory of languages and machines of wide range....
What is ES ?
Expert System
ES to of the connoisseur, and the tutorial refers that a branch of artificial intelligence will be and what should I believe only a branch, and is the standard
What is SMP ?
Symmetric Multi Processing
SMP means multi-processing, symmetric, that is, in which each processor of a scanned copy of The ك of the operating system used....
What is FSM ?
Finite State Machine
FSM machines refers that in the classroom the theory of languages and machines referred to and grammar structure of a sentence expression....