Today, Monday، 10 Mar 2025 - 06:24

Acronym Finder

What is SLSM ?
same lenght subnet mask
Expression in subneting, the largest number of user to be considered - the number of bit file for it is considered and the prefix obtained network, London, United Kingdom .
In this way, organize the IP header went the IP in the network private will prevent ....
What is SFD ?
start frame dilimiter
The header of the frames in the layer of the data link or data link in the first section in the First Standard 8-bit fairy or sync be
in the governor storage IEEE 802.3, original this header 8-bit to a fairy 7-bit and a header of 1 bit to the name of the sfd change out ....
What is FCS ?
frame check sequence
After the function, the CRC on the data frames were applied to the
a number of 4 called FCS that trailer frames are introduced as
that if this number must match, i.e. that the framing is healthy
What is OUI ?
organization unit indentify
The post type of the MAC address in the computer to this form.
xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx, The first part of the left's numbers, the oui and the right part to Wendover, they say

oui : organization unit indentify...
What is NIC ?
Network Interface Connection
A dictionary in a computer network...
What is CAT5 ?
category version 5
Wire tube spiral that the connectors Ar A 45 to most cards is connected, and usually 100 on H information to pass through cover...
What is IPV6 ?
Internet protocol version 6
IP version 6, which together now that in the year 2012, we are only 10% of the network with its work, but with the completion of Version 4 this version of the world ....
What is IPV4 ?
Internet protocol version 4
IP version 4 is now more hardware under network in the world with it ....