Today, Monday، 10 Mar 2025 - 11:05

Acronym Finder

What is DMZ ?
dis millitary zone
The themed area of non-military ... namely the area where the security information in the router for the designer network is not important ....
What is NDP ?
neighbor discovery protocol
In the network, hardware-based Cisco could be the neighbors, find out with a protocol called in the wake of...
What is GRE ?
generic router encapsulation
In the tunnel, in network to transfer IP version 6 to 4, or vice versa performance .
ccna route...
What is VOIP ?
Voice Over Internet Protocol
(Voice over internet protocol:Voice Over Internet Protocol) is a general term for a family of technology transfer for the delivery of voice communications over the network, based on IP, like the internet and networks package .

VoIP, telephone IP, telephone, internet, telephone, broadband, sound of broadband and voice over broadband, also called.

usually, the companies provide a service, VoIP as producers, and the protocols used to carry the symptoms of voice over IP network, as voice over IP or VoIP protocols will be remembered. It can be, in principle, the development of commercial experience protocol voice network (1973), by which producers of a generation, the internet(ARPANET was) invented. considered.

some of the lower cost, partly due to the use of a network individual to carry voice and data, especially where users to the network access that capacity, it is less used and can be VOIP without any extra cost carry. Call VoIP to VoIP, some times are free, while VOIP calls to the public telephone network(PSTN) may cost in the have the that should be used by manufacturers, VoIP paid.

protocol, voice over IP, signal, phone calls, etc. as audio digital carry(which usually with the technology of compression of data, speech, etc. of the data, it dropped and for the collection of stream data, the IP will be sent).

two types of PSTN services such as VoIP, there are. The inner dial in direct(DID) and access numbers. The inner dial in direct(DID), the caller directly to the VoIP connects in the event that the necessary access numbers, etc. match the numbers internally using VoIP by the caller....
What is WWAN ?
Wireless Wide Area Network
To the wireless network data, high speed refers to that geographical area, range cover . This broad can include 2.5 G, third generation., the fourth generation of. Wimax and other types of Technology, different from the WlAN ( wireless local area ). WlAN ( wireless local area ) is designed so that the area is much smaller cover, like 1000 -100 feet in . WLAN includes technology like Wi - Fi....
What is MMB ?
Multi Media Builder
MMB (multimedia industry , abbreviated MMB) soft direction, design and production, application of multimedia is based on operating system Windows....
What is RTT ?
Round Trip Time
The period of time that takes a packet in the network, sent in addition, the time which it takes to acknowledge it....