Today, Monday، 10 Mar 2025 - 11:24

Acronym Finder

What is OTF ?
Open Type Format
An open format for fonts; can
OTF typical format of the font collection....
What is VPI ?
Virtual Path Identifier
The phrase VPI meant to determine the identity of the virtual path.
VPI a number is quite logic, that is, to traverse from an IMA is required. Between the two switching ATM the VPI for the isolation of transport-related LT used. For a full description of the work, it should be said that for each port of DSLAM should be a VPI/VCI considered, it is the use of the Cross Connection between the ports to switch higher). Number VPI/VCI specific to a joint is and can be for the bandwidth guarantee ( CBR ) or non-warranty ( UBR ) considered....
What is VCI ?
Virtual Channel Identifier
VCI means specifies a virtual channel is a profile unique to the individual for the specified virtual ring or the same Virtual Circuit in the network.

VCI, 16 bits in the header pack packet ATM are identified....
What is DB ?
Data Base
Database (summary database), the database, etc. database, or the database (Database) to the collection of data with regular structure and systematic is said to be.

the database (database or database) to the collection of information with the structure of regular and systematic to be told. The databases are usually in a format for which device, and computer readable, and the Access is stored. Of course, such a manner of data storage is the only method available and practices such as storage, Simple File Upload is also used. What storage of the data in the base data effective makes the existence of a conceptual structure for the storage of, and relationships between data.

the database was originally organized collection of information.This word of knowledge of computers stems, but the application of broad and public as well. this breadth of the size is the European Centre database (which definitions according to the database, creates) contains definitions of non-electronic database. In this document the applications of the technique for this term will be limited.
a possible definition is: Database a collection of records stored in a computer in a systematic (principled) like a computer program that can be according to user answer. To save and recover better, each record is usually a set of components, data or events organizing. Segments are retrieved in each question to the information that turns to make a decision is used. Computer application for management and questions and answers between the base data used for the System Administrator Database, or briefly (DBMS) call. The characteristics and the design of the system, database, information science study.

the main concept of the database is that database a set of records or pieces of a recognition.Typically, in a database describing structured for existence, keep in the database there is: it describes a template or model to be known. Model descriptive, etc. objects, databases and the connection between them shows. Various methods to organize this model, there is no need to model them, the database that. The most widely used model, which is nowadays a very used model, the relationship is that in general the following may be defined: display all the information that the form of related tables that each of the rows and columns is formed(the definition of true, it in science, mathematics, Middletown). In this model, the dependence, to help the values of the joint in more than one table can be shown. Another model like the model hierarchy and model of the network to be explicit, more communication will show.

In fact, the more specialized the term database for a collection of records linked together is defined. Many professionals set of data with properties identical to the in order to create a database, permalinks are used.

usually, the DBMS, based on the model that they use, divided into: communication; object-oriented, network, and the likes of it. Data models to determine language access to databases are interested. A significant part of the engineering, DBMS-independent models can be, and to factors such as the run, time, comprehensiveness, and recycling of hardware error is dependent.At this level, many differences between the products out there....
What is CTRL ?
The Ctrl key on your computer to the meaning of control.
This is the key to the key combination, say, i.e., it must be along with the arrow keys) go up for us to do. In various software have defined that the role of this key with other Keys, what. For example it is possible in a software combination of this key with the S KEY makes the Save (Save), or combine this key with O, causing the opening (Open) the window....
What is ALT ?
The Alt key on the keyboard to your computer. stands for Alternative.
this key is also a combination is and should be with the other keys to work. For example it is possible in a software, this is the key with the pressure F, and we thereby open the File Menu (File) and if it E pressure, we thereby open the Edit Menu (Edit) and if it's key F4 press our windows will be closed, and ... .
What is CSMA ?
Carrier Sense Multiple Access
Multiple access with the ability to hear the carrier signal is a/the Prevention of collisions (Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Avoidance) or CSMA/CA in computer networks, multiple access in wireless networks is that in it:
- plan, bugging the carrier used.
- that intend to send data, there should be time certain to the ear canal and detects whether the ninety-else intend to send information on the channel in the wireless related to himself or not. If the channel \",\". then, the ninety allows you to open the post process to begin. But if the channel \"busy\". ninety aforementioned process, send to the current random, another postponed. As soon as the exchange of information began, there is a possibility that the send the actual information occur.

CSMA/CA correction for the multiple access with the ability to hear the carrier signal. The Prevention of concussion to improve the performance of CSMA is used. Method, so that if are sending the information. ninety let the other Send will not. so with this, the probability of collision reaches a minimum.

CSMA/CA is a method to access layer 2. however, in the OSI model, a protocol to separate is not...
What is ODF ?
Open Document Format
The template document is open to programs, administrative (which, with the name of the open document or ODF is known), a template file is based on XML (xml) for documents, spreadsheet, etc. the chart. and .
this standard by a technical committee in the consortium (OASIS) enterprise for the advancement of standards information structured to establish and expand the data.
features of this standard was originally developed by Sun Microsystems - and for the file format, based on XML (xml), which is a bundle create and implement was - the formulation was....