Today, Monday، 10 Mar 2025 - 14:00

Acronym Finder

What is PHY ?
Physical Layer Protocol
The physical layer in the network...
What is CERT ?
Computer Emergency Response Team
Group response events, the computer name that the specialized groups to manage events, Security, etc. is given. More groups to name. words, acronyms CERT and or BICILEAKS, which stands for Group response to the occurrence of security is added. For some groups, the letters CERT as a group of alert events, etc. can be interpreted that the tasks and activities alike.

the name of the Group Meet, events, computers, etc. for the first time to a group at Carnegie Mellon University assigned. This name is also after it for groups with the same functionality as around the world was used. Some of the groups as the groups meet event security to express the activities more specialized, and specific events, security selection, and they to any of the other support activities, etc. separate.

History Group Meet events to the formation of a cream computer related. When ultrasonic technology). create methods of abuse, it also quickly emerges (the first cream related to him.Net iPhone.EBay used). Slightly after the cream that the cream Morris was named on November 3, 1988 the activity of the internet to disrupt. This incident led to the formation of the first group, meet the events at the University of Carnegie Mellon patrol, during which contract with the government of the United States for peace.

due to growth and rapid expansion, enjoying, technology, information and communication in Sally, the next, a new word CERT or BICILEAKS to the section and unit of the structure of the organization, to maintain information and reduce the occurrences of security, and prevent the occurrence of consequences next, convert patrol....
What is ODBC ?
Open Database Connectivity
ODBC connection between the site and created a database. the ODBC for acquiring data through Database Management, Windows (Database Mangament System ) can be used.

the architecture of ODBC of four parts, constituted of:
- Application: the process will perform and the functions of the ODBC calls. Functions ODBC SQL sends a reply received.
- Driver Manager: drivers for program Load and Unload. Calling functions ODBC to process that, or the driver sends.
- Driver: call, functions, ODBC processing. requests, SQL to a data source, particularly, and sends the reply to the Application returns. If necessary, the driver request the program change in terms of literal by the DBMS, the relevant compatible.
- Data source: includes data that the user wants to access them), and the operating system. the DBMS and platform network, that the DBMS uses it....
What is BASH ?
Bourne Again SHell
Bash (Bash) is a Unix shell, is by Brian Fox (Brian Fox for the GNU project is written. Name, bash an acronym Bourne-again shell in English.

bash is a shell with a significant number plugin. At first, this shell for the operating system GNU was designed. But to bash on most operating systems of family Unix-like executables. The default shell on most operating systems that use the Linux kernel.. Also, the default shell operating system Mac OS Ten is based on Darwin, is also. The shell for the Microsoft Windows operating system to vehicle simulator to the name of Seguin, the transfer is given....
What is HURD ?
HIRD of Unix Replacing Daemons
Hurd, A stands for the recursive cross from HIRD of Unix-replacing daemons, which is the acronym for HIRD stands for HURD of interfaces representing depth. As HURD and HIRD, the two spelled differently for the English word herd. The full name GNU Hurd (GNU HURD) as well as a play on words Hurd herd, and the GNU gnus with contemplate to your kernel how it works.

the GNU Hurd ( Hurd called) is a core operating system that serves as a replacement for UNIX is designed. GNU Hurd as a free software under the GNU General Public License has been released. GNU Hurd since 1990 by the GNU project of the Free Software Foundation, has been developing.
the GNU Hurd consists of a set of protocols and processes, the server (or demon daemon in the so-called Unix) that in MN, the GNU Mach runs and have taken that with each other, the core of the operating system GNU to form. Objective Hurd surpass Unix operating systems in functionality, security, and stability, while greatly with this operating system is compatible. The GNU Project Architecture of server-server Mn because of the more benefits as compared to traditional architecture the core of an integrated Unix for the operating system chosen....
What is DICOM ?
Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine
(Dicom is a format and a video file that is in the science, medical imaging application, much....
What is AI ?
Adobe illustrator
Stands for Adobe illustrator . One of the most powerful software for design and editing for vector) which is working with it similar to working with software Pixel like Photoshop. The power of this software to the extent that nowadays, most advertising companies and experienced designers throughout the world design your own with the software are doing....
What is WHS ?
Windows Home Server
WHS somehow the operating system of the service company Microsoft. This operating system possibility of managing, backing up, etc. update, share files and . . . The Simply possible....