Today, Monday، 10 Mar 2025 - 17:03

Acronym Finder

What is TELNET ?
Telecommunications Network
Tel net (Telnet) is a protocol under the network is the internet and local area networks are used. The network in 1969, the development found. More equipment, network and systems, a factor that has a reference model Internet. Tel net can support....
What is ACID ?
Atomic, Consistent, Isolated, and Durable
ACID of 4 rule is composed of (Atomic teen Consistent, Isolated, and Durable) that put together, it's a transaction concept can't find:

a) Atomic: means all or nothing
if the transactions of the several change to be formed, all of which must be successfully performed, or whether any changes should be opportunity to apply the final flourish.
for example, the transfer amount X from an account. to another account, consider. In this mode, the X rial from the account person, the deduction, and X rial to another person's account, will be deposited. If the inventory account. have the X rails ... should not be a sum from this account can be deducted. The first stage failed. so the whole operation is canceled. Also, if the account is the recipient of the package is also not a sum of from the account of the first fraction be in this case also, the entire transaction should back eat.

b) Consistent or integrated
here is the consistency in addition to applied the constraints, meaning the information that, immediately after the end of the transactional system can be downloaded and read.

C) Isolated: enclosed
if multiple transactions at a time with running time. thus the final state of the transaction, one after the other, are run should be one.

d) Durable: lasting
if the end system transactions to announce. this case means 100%, written information in hard disk should be....
What is BBS ?
Bulletin Board System
BBS means System bulletin board.

BBS set from a computer system along with software for the direction of management, on which the installation is effortless.

this software allows users access to the system through phone line (or telnet) with a terminal application such as HyperTerminal in Windows or ICL (Irnet Com Lite) in the DOS provides.

This system is under DOS run and managed, and the ability to connect to the internet also.

such facilities that this system for users provides the following Don\'t loaded and up loaded information, reading, and publishing the news, communicate with other members online and offline., the environment, the conversation and questions, answers, chat, play and fun...

In fact, this network, the first foci of the virtual internet in Iran, were welcomed by many of the users were met. Including the famous networks can be applied to network messages, network purpose, network Genius, Network in the sector, particularly and many more affiliate networks to the government, such as network house, the nation, and many other named.

with the spread of the internet, such networks are quite into oblivion....
What is NOSQL ?
Not Only Sql
Novas s stands for not only sql means not only SS s the name is inclusive for the category of comprehensive database management system that with the kind of traditional database, the relational differences are obvious . The most clear these differences do not use SMS s as the first question is the language . His example of the database, X the database is document-oriented . One of the implementation of the well-known, this type of database ,, construction, Foundation software, Apache .

big companies, the internet, including Google (BigTable), the Amazon (Dynamo ), the free software users (Project Voldemort), Facebook (Cassandra and HBase) source (MongoDB), etc., Ubuntu (CouchDB) design and setup Group database NoSQL are responsible for. A significant portion of these projects are open source and free....
What is UDDI ?
Universal Description, Discovery and Integration
Protocol description the ... discovery, and integration, inclusive, or the intrauterine device (UDDI) should be one of the foundations of the original in the creation and implementation technologies web services into account. The intrauterine device platform, a standard to exist. that on IT, IT company, applications, various are able to search, easy, fast, and dynamic services, on the internet pay....
What is BCI ?
Brain-Computer Interface
Interfacing the brain and computers from the set of sensors and components, signal processing can be formed that the activity of the brain of the person directly to a series of communication signals, or control become available. In this system, you must first brain waves with the use of devices to record brain waves recorded, usually because of accuracy, when high and being cheap, and also easy-to-use, from electroencephalography to record brain waves can be used. Electrodes the EEG at the scalp level fall and the electric field resulting from the activity of neurons measured. At a later stage, these waves are investigated and the features desired to be mined, and on these features can be guessed that the user, what the activity intends. In this article, this system and the progress of that so far on this system. has been studied. It's a place that still has the speed and accuracy of these systems to acceptable yet. not yet commercially entered the market yet, but it's where this system, new method for communicating, especially for people who are physically disabled are provided. groups to research a lot on this system to work and hope that in the near future in order to system that high speed and accuracy....
What is GNS3 ?
Graphical Network Simulator
Jay Ann 3 (GNS3) is an open source software simulator complex network that tries to, where possible, to the network, real close and to the hardware, the physical network does not need. Has a graphical environment for the construction of complex networks. Program GNS3 based on the code Dynamips written, and this possibility provides to be able to be IOS, Cisco instead of running on expensive equipment, Cisco, etc. on the computer run....
What is FT ?
Fault Tolerance
The ability of computers, and in some cases, the operating system, responding to events (or defects) destructive, such as cut the flow of electricity or damage to the hardware, and the way that information was gone, and affairs are Muslims. injury denied. This process with the use of the power supply battery. hard ھ additional time. before ھ in the operating system, or any combination of ھ subject. In the network of The against defects tolerance. the system is capable of without loss of data because the operation continues in the appeal, or turned off, and after the fix, the people, the mode of processing of the previous return.

- tolerance defects
- power tolerance defects
- tolerance defect...