Today, Monday، 10 Mar 2025 - 17:57

Acronym Finder

What is DCCP ?
Datagram Congestion Control Protocol
A setup. notification clearly, congestion control and secure features to implement helps, Mississippi as rfc 4340 in March 2006 by the IETF as a standard offering. RFC 4336 a introduction provides. FreeBSD is also an implementation for Version 5. the 1 found. Linux is also an implementation of de Mississippi was found that for the first time in Version 2. the 6. the 14 released found, Mississippi, a method for a method, offers access to the mechanism control without having to implement it in the application layer. That this method, based on the stream like or Mississippi is allowed. But get pack, to arrange a do not guarantee. Get sequence packages inside the several flow like SS, Si, t-Pi, other in this protocol is not available. , Mississippi for the software that the time limit on the reach package, are beneficial. Such programs, including media streaming, multiplayer games on line and phone on the internet coming back. Features these applications is that old messages fixed you can't get new messages is preferred to be on again, sending out old messages. Now such programs, or on or Mississippi or on the , wake will fall and the mechanism, the congestion control of your implement or work generally, a method for congestion control are not in addition to being beneficial for this software, Mississippi also can also be placed as a method of congestion control, for the software based on the protocol of Yu di Pi using a method reliable and make sure to arrange a get, depending on Yo, PHP/De Mississippi, the same species that is needed. In this way, Mississippi take advantage of the mechanism different, but mostly, everyone is friendly or Mississippi provides. A connection, Mississippi, like a data traffic includes a approved also. to send a notice that the or pack is reached, or by informing the obvious swarm markup. also completely safe pass. De Mississippi facilities compared to byte or Mississippi is , for the number sequence is too large corresponding to a package. During the immense number sequence as against attacks such as \"attacks, such as the injection start, Mississippi inside a relationship....
What is DMG ?
Disk Image
Files that the extension dmg. In the Mac OS. virtual disks are. ( A type of compressed file ) that by opening this type of file, like a CD drive on a Mac created and the content of this file show....
What is CSV ?
Comma Separated Variable
Values isolated by a comma or thirty feeds (Comma-separated values) name of a template for records of text messages in which the values using the delimiter comma (,) are separated from each other. The file that this formatting follow can be with the use of Excel open. Thirty SS, He is one of the ways popular for the exchange of information between the Pages is extensive, and by many of the software management database could also be used.

considering that, from comma to separate the values. if the values of the also include these characters have (such as the use of a comma as a separator in some European languages) have to way the difference of the two determined. Usually to fix this problem, the values has commas inside the "mark quote". But sometimes, the fields, apart from the commas, include the \" as well. These problems have caused that sometimes the software is able not, this format will properly read.

programming languages, Python and Perl in the standard libraries have functions to read and write this file....
What is MYSQL ?
My Structured Query Language
Mai SS s (MySQL) is a database management system, is open-source, which is Oracle Corporation, development, distribution, and support.

server Mai SS s to multiple user simultaneous use of the data.

Mai SS s the advantage, the benefit is:
- scalability and flexibility
- high performance
- high availability
- supports transactions
- protect your data
- easy admin
- free programs
- support boarding

the development of Mae SS s in 1994 by Michael and David began. The first version internally on 23 May 1995 was released. In 2008, San Mai SS s eBay purchased. Oracle Corporation, San on January 27, 2010 purchased....
What is CGI ?
Common Gateway Interface
Interface common gateway (si, GI) is a method standard is to create dynamic content in web pages and web applications can be used. CG, IP, when the server a web server runs on. an intermediary between the web server and programs that the web content they create. This app is your CGI Script or to summarize the CGI call, that is usually with scripting languages written. but it is possible to write the programming languages, there are also....
What is PERL ?
Practical Extraction and Report Language
Perl is one of the most common languages script feature. This language in the laboratory, Jet Propulsion, NASA, by Larry Wall designed. A language interpreter based on C and Unix serving programs.

the language features of the situation for the management of the strings is that the information from the files of text extraction . Pearl (Perl) can be a string كك assemble a set of characters that as Slack command post. from the other. often for system management used . Application of this language, a process (called script.

programming language the all-purpose. From Pearl it is used in programming systems in the different areas on the web. From Pearl it is used in places different used the Perl language, sticky famous. Perl, as a language, an effective means is to append the elements to each other, the design has been very consistent is that in order to implementation of ADD of CGI.

● application Perl
Pearl's nowadays in the field of artificial intelligence–genetics –military –research – industrial and widely in the internet can be found .

writing a database – wide screen – operating system – or a web server, perhaps it is wise to consider not, but in Perl is possible .

language Perl, power of many, in text processing, there are, for example, can be a string, it is created and as a steering system.

● Perl as a language portable
It is interesting to know that the software you will be under the operating system, LINUX, or MAC you've written certainly on the operating system WINDOWS and UNIX also run. Interpreter Perl-text program to read and interpret, and runs. Now the Pearl will take in excess of 04 operating system can be applied and the library of CPAN over 11000 with your source code at the disposal of your affect that daily this number is added.

● Perl program, 3-dimensional
the range used Perl as the language for creating programs, 3-dimensional to the extent that not so long ago specialists Graphcomp in Test C language and PERL for the implementation of the program 3 Next click on the 3 platforms differ : VISTA , UBUNTU , FEDORA, hardware identical to the work groups. Among these, Pearl could with efficient use of system resources and their superiority in this field prove .

● Perl and CGI
to the SQL CGI web pages, the Perl language because of the high power in processing text and pattern matching (Regular Expressions) in such languages investigated, which is wide for writing CGI is used . In the meantime, the website full of traffic, such as :Livejournal.com vintage Ticketmaster.com Amzon.com vintage IMDB.com of the Perl language they use.

● Perl and network
because of the power of the very Pearl in the field of programming systems, networking, many professionals, networking, and hackers from these sentences, rear left, and today, we see the many applications : network management systems , Spidering , and Exploite to the Perl language this is written.

● Perl as a language, sticky (Glue Language)
Perl, as a language, sticky, can other languages be used . One of the coolest tips A supplementation program, Perl, called VisualPerl is that to pack NET. Microsoft attached and you on the side ASP.NET can Perl also programming. For example, can in apps .NET, from Perl for text processing or anything else, use this feature only to .NET Limited is not and Perl can be used in other programming languages, regardless of platform use ....
What is JSP ?
Java Server Pages
JSP is a technology for developing web pages dynamic to developers that can help with the use of the TAG, a special JSP, which are mostly in between the two marks are placed, etc. codes Java, to HTML codes write.

using JSP can input through the form of web pages from the user, get a record from the database or other sources, display and web pages dynamically (Dynamic) make.

TAG, the JSP for several purposes, including receipt of information from the database, register, settings, users, access, C ++ Builder, Java Beans, and share information between requests and pages to process.
What is SUMO ?
Suggested Upper Merged Ontology
An ontology high-level that several it together and makes in the semantic web and ... application, and today has the highest level of ontology is available....