Today, Monday، 10 Mar 2025 - 19:59

Acronym Finder

What is BeOS ?
Blue Eyed Operating System
, OS (BeOS) operating system company, Be .inc., which in 1991, initially for the device, AT...
What is BSON ?
Binary Structured Object Notation
, Seven (BSON) a template data exchange of the computer is that, generally, as a molding data storage and transfer in the network in the database , goes to work. This template, template binary to display simple data structures and associative arrays (which in , the objects or documents are applied). The name "Seven" based on the name of a seven (JSON) is an acronym for "a seven binary"....
What is NPM ?
Node Package Manager
Ann (NPM) package manager, the default nineties.Js. One ppm of the way, mediator, command line run and curated dependence for a program.

What is XHR ?
XML Http Request
XMLHttpRequest briefly XHR name of an object in j...
What is RPC ?
Remote Procedure Call
Web service type RPC, etc. functions, the distribution of the run that they call their very for familiar with. normally, the most simple unit, this model invokes an operational is that a wsdl in PHP, there are other methods that function similar to as object RPC can be called. Object Management Group's (OMG) Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) and Microsoft's Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM) or Sun Microsystem Java set have the same (RMI)is called....
What is SOA ?
Service-oriented architecture
The web service to implement the architectural approach to the concepts of Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) can be implemented that is based on the simplest units of communication that the same messages are at odds with the actions (operation), which is why frequently with the name of the service, message-oriented, as they are called. The web services are provided by most software manufacturers wholesale in the world can support. unlike RPC in this model, the possibility of loose connections(loose coupling), the researcher is more because the emphasis on the CONTRACT of that WSDL has produced, rather than on the details of the field run....
What is REST ?
Representational state transfer
Represented State transfer - (REST)
this model is an attempt in the direction of the descriptions or the construction, architecture, that of http, or similar protocols, are used that seek to limit the intermediary (interface) file to use apply the well-known and standard (like GET and. POST and. PUT, and. DELETE this HTTP) here more with the resources that the state flexible(State-full) are used instead of messages or operations. An architecture based on REST is REST-full, could be called to define a message of the broth from the WSDL on HTTP, to use, or can be an abstract class that merely on the soup, have been built. or can be wholly without any use of soup to be made. WSDL 2 not only connect to all the methods of Version A the Normandy does, but all the methods to connect to the http support, so it seems that for the web server, that kind of REST the run the best. every few that support this technical specification, architecture, etc. within the kit, programming the day the world is still poor. These programs are usually to the production of tools for WSDL 1 tend....
What is EC2 ?
Elastic Compute Cloud
Cloud computing, elastic Amazon...