Today, Monday، 10 Mar 2025 - 20:52

Acronym Finder

What is TMPFS ?
Temporary File System
tmpfs Name common for the facility is in operating systems Unix-like, for the storage of temporary files are used. However, that tmpfs is usually somewhere in the file system mount can be, but the information contained in it, on a space of permanent storage like a hard disk, not stored. instead, its information on a volatile memory like the main memory can be written. Disc memory (RAM disk) is a structure similar to that for a virtual disk (virtual disk) show, and finds a file system in itself. Anything that is on tmpfs, create. temporary. in other words, but no file on the hard disk not created. however, in the event that the system with the shortage of main memory will be facing, you may space the swap as a repository backup (for backing store) to hold the information tmpfs used. In the event that the system reboots. all the information available in tmpfs will be lost.

space required tmpfs from memory, the main financed and the capacity of the tmpfs fits with the information contained in it, big and small. In the event that the original memory is filled is possible to assign the space? can be the space of swap to allocate the space used. In many Linux distros, as well as other operating systems, Unix-like, etc. by default, a file system of type tmpfs in the path /tmp Mount. In some other distribution, branches /tmp a is typical, and tmpfs does not use, but branches /dev/shm is a file system, tmpfs....
What is FUSE ?
Filesystem in Userspace
File system in user space, or to briefly FUSE (pronounced fuse), the mechanism in operating systems Unix-like that to users, non-privileged allows, without the need to edit out the codes for the core platforms, file systems, create their own. This work, run out of codes, file system in user space takes place, and the module FUSE is only a "bridge" to interface the Core provides. Implement the main and common this technology, for a module can be loaded in the core is under license JP El and El, JP El will be released. FUSE is free software. System FUSE in the principle component of the AVFS. but later to a small, independent project in Source Forge convert. Implement fuse in Linux operating system., the ferry, feeds. notes, feeds, etc. open Solaris, etc. ^ " extension writing Part 3, Android and Mac OS Ten is available. This implementation of for official in Version 2. the 6. the 14 Linux kernel was merged.

in March 2013, etc. Sylvestre Gallon, this technology will re-implement it and it is under distribution type IP SS Si was released. Implement in June 2013 in operating system, open, SD was included.

fuses, especially for the implementation, file systems, virtual is right. Unlike the file system, the traditional information to disk save and restore ... file system, virtual selves, virtually no information do not store. Them as a view or translation of a file system or a storage device, the existing Act....
What is ZFS ?
Zettabyte File System
ZFS file system is that the first time by the company Sun Microsystems operating system Solaris was designed. ZFS functionality is a system file, modern made. Some of these capabilities include: Support high capacity and very high for ambient storage, data protection against injury, etc. supports picture moment. quota, disk, encryption information, compression information, etc. prevent the stored information, a duplicate on the disk.... ZFS initially for a free software implementation was under the license, Development, Joint Distribution is released. but after Oracle Corporation, attempted to purchased the company Sun Microsystems. ... ZFS for a software exclusive income. Now, most modern operating systems such as Solaris and ... ferry, SS, and derivatives of ZFS support.

ZFS the first time in the company of Sun Microsystems by a team led by Jeff and Mathieu was designed and implemented. The development of ZFS in the year 2001 started. first time on September 14, 2004 was introduced.

What is CIFS ?
Common Internet File System
The system records common internet or CIF (CIFS), also called a protocol, by definition, the standard for access to remote files to use millions of computers at a time. With the use of the CIF. users of different operating systems can file your own without the need to install new software to share.

What is APT ?
Advanced Packaging Tool
Tool package advanced (apt) (Apt) is one of the management programs depending on the operating system, Debian GNU/Linux. The purpose of this search application, installation and easy management software packages on the Linux distribution. Apt a few of the library is formed, which is the most important, it's apt-get and apt-cache are. Of course, Debian 3.1 is proposed that users of The in the environment of the terminal.

apt in open Solaris also is used. At the same time the possibility of importing it into the Mac OS through the software package Fink there. The idea of APT-Gothic software, Vienna-Gothic design, which is similar to apt, but on Microsoft Windows platforms.

In /etc/apt/sources.list address software resources have been found. These resources can be CD, DVD, Network File or folder, FTP or HTML or or Php. If the package in the folder or hard disk will be available, automatically downloaded and installed.

all the package format Deb (template file) are the prerequisites for auto detect. to this may be when installing program libraries required also get and install the back. Software apt from the Persian Iran TV works.

What is TFTP ?
Trivial File Transfer Protocol
TFTP is a File Transfer Protocol, which is due to the simplicity in deployment, etc. tical. This protocol gives users access to put or get files from the remote host . From the main application it can be used to auto transfer the files related to the settings of a device or file, and needed a device to boot in a local network noted. This protocol, first time in the year 1998, the standardization was that the profile of the current, this protocol can be found in RFC 1350.

TFTP has a simple design that mimics the deployment, it's easy. The protocol for the transfer of information in the early stages of the boot up through the network like BOOTP , mature PXE mature PSDP and... used. In fact, the TFTP is one of the elements of PXE or protocol boot devices of the network environment that is actually within the BIOS, network card, computer, host, etc., an algorithm to use from those anticipated and institutionalized. From TFTP to transfer the disc image, operating systems, and file sharing configuration to a router, IP phones, and firewalls are also used. The design of this protocol from the protocol EFTP, which is part of the protocol, the PUP is affected . Nowadays, because of the security the bottom of this protocol, it transfers files on the internet is not to be used, and almost the only use of it in the network, local (LAN). TFTP the first time in 1980 by IEN 133 were defined. Then in the following year, in the month of June revise the protocol as RFC 783 is released.

The protocol TFTP, which is one of the most simple protocol, the transfer is using the UDP protocol port number 69. Working with this protocol it is very easy and a lot of settings and features advanced that many of the protocols for data transfer they offer people. This protocol is only for reading and writing information to a remote server or from the remote server is designed and can not change data Name. remove or list.

in comparison with the protocol data transfer TFTP, FTP much easier. For example, in TFTP news of authentication used is not, and anyone who has network access to have it can use it for a while use the FTP authentication importance is high. Of course, the issue of security TFTP reduces. TFTP compared with FTP from a higher speed is also important. The reason for this thread is that FTP when transferring information, the need to acknowledge, packets sent(Packet), but TFTP wait for The acknowledge packets sent remains and file to the next post. Thus its speed is much higher than FTP and can files with high volume transfer....
What is CVS ?
Concurrent Versions System
System version, the process, or refer to the cvs is a software version control in the field of software development. Avs from a Architecture the client-serve the investor is entitled to a free software, will be released. A version control system, all the changes that are on the number of files is carried out the maintenance works and to a few developer (which may be in different places to be present and on time different also do their work) helps more comfortable with each other, cooperate. Keep all changes made on the files, it helps developers at any time enviable to the old and new versions to compare their progress and how the changes aware. Avs the first time in 1986 by Dick expensive for a number shell script was written....
What is FOSS ?
Free and Open Source Software
Free software and open source (FLOSS, F/OSS, etc. FOSS), the software is in order to supply the right of users to study, change, and improve its design, with available being the source code of software, free form butterfly, is being made.
