Today, Wednesday، 12 Mar 2025 - 09:30

Acronym Finder

What is FN ?
Button operation Fn a button on the page the arrow keys to today's computers. pressing this button can cause the operating system to a commentator, or a program command that certain actions will do....
What is ESC ?
Key, Netscape, or the Esc or flight " page of the key computer was born in 1960 and the key to getaway to a "breakers or stop a" replica. " the key that the computer says, proceed not, so you stop now.

keyboard computer was born in 1960, when a programmer IBM named Bob (Bob Bemer) are trying to fix the problem of Tower of Babel. The computer manufacturing company to a variety of methods with codes to communicate. The key to getaway invented by , etc. was the process by which programmers to switch between one code to another code they used. A little later, and when computer codes to your leadership . standard. The ESC key as a "cut-off or stop" replica....
What is MIUI ?
MI User Interface
Can (pronounced for Me You I) name var (Firmware) for mobile phones that is the company has based open source operating system Android has been developed.

feature this randy " the interface is heavily modified it is, so that the App Drawer Android aside and very similar to a user interface of iPhone OS Apple interface Touch Wiz Samsung company. This custom ROM (Custom ROM) contains the functions add, that are in rom original Android not be found, including new software and a dedicated player, Music, Gallery, record the call, user interface, camera, and dialer modified that by writing each number contacts the number the number entered is close to the show.

name of 2 parts (MI) and (UI) is formed. The second part of it that is ), for the words, the user interface (User Interface). According to Lee Joon, etc., the CEO of Xiaomi, etc. the first part of it, namely, you know, for the phrase mobile internet (Mobile Internet) and Mission Impossible (Mission Impossible).

the core can in the past for the source of the package were published and, consequently, with a butterfly JP El Linux kernel in Paradox. The effect of the critics to this issue., source code, phone, 've 2 and 2 on October 25, 2013 on the website of gate hub were released....
What is MFS ?
Macintosh File System
The first file system used in Mac OS file system of the Macintosh (MFS), which was only possible to use a level folder provides. This system file in the next version, file system Hierarchical File System (HFS) file system hierarchical) that has a tree structure file management. was replaced. In conjunction with the file system of Mac operating system should be an important point noted that it was from file systems other operating systems are distinct. Most file systems that is DOS, Unix, or other operating systems use. simply file as a series of bytes, contiguous in the fall, with each file requires a program that are recognize which file contains what information. Contrary to this rule, the MFS and HFS file as two separate sections (section data and resources section) in the fall. Section "data" (the Data) contains information similar to other operating systems (for example, the data portion of the can contains the text of a document or information is a video file). The section "resources"(Resource) contains other information structurally related to the file (such as definitions of menus, graphics, sound, or codes administration). A file may only include the resources sector to be (in the data it is empty), or include only part of data is while the resources sector it is empty), or contains both the data and resources. A text file can be text in the data portion of the file and information related to the type of format and formatting text in the resource file, save. This order to be done when, for example, if a program with the format of the text formatting was not familiar, at least to be able to read your text. From the other side, the segmentation causes disharmony and lack of compatibility with other operating systems; copying a file from the file system of Mac System File, non of the Mac Resources section, the file goes. In Mac OS X from the structure of the memory management and multi-processing control, the same operating system, Unix, is used. This operating system is based on the core Mach (Mach kernel) is a small core operating system, which at the University of Carnegie Mellon in the states TV Us during a research project about parallel computing and distributed is created and the version of the BSD operating system Unix is an operating system by Steve Jobs at the company NeXT created and developed. Memory management system the new implementation of the program, the more you are on time and closing other apps running to cause the crash of a program can help prevent. Also, the operating system, the second operating system, the Macintosh is where the command line is also included. however, that to use this command line must Terminal Emulator by the user, run the Mac OS, the command line was not the first Mac operating system that has a command line. OS, A/UX is that its development has been suspended). Problems caused by several is that Mac OS X compared to Mac OS less user-friendly, and is working with it more difficult. Including these factors requires hardware more powerful to run the operating system. failure to provide some functionality of the operating system that a previous version existed, and some incompatibility serious with the previous version (because the drivers written for the Mac OS compatible with Mac OS X are not)....
What is UNIX ?
Universal Interactive Executive
Unix an operating system with the ability to and multi-user, is that in 1969 a group of employees of Bell Labs, owned by the phone company and telegraph American.AT...
What is HFS ?
Hierarchical File System
The first file system used in Mac OS file system of the Macintosh (MFS), which was only possible to use a level folder provides. This system file in the next version, with file system (HFS) file system hierarchical) that has a tree structure file management. was replaced. In conjunction with the file system of Mac operating system should be an important point noted that it was from file systems other operating systems are distinct. Most file systems that is DOS, Unix, or other operating systems use. simply file as a series of bytes, contiguous in the fall, with each file requires a program that are recognize which file contains what information. Contrary to this rule, the MFS and HFS file as two separate sections (section data and resources section) in the fall. Section "data" (the Data) contains information similar to other operating systems (for example, the data portion of the can contains the text of a document or information is a video file). The section "resources"(Resource) contains other information structurally related to the file (such as definitions of menus, graphics, sound, or codes administration). A file may only include the resources sector to be (in the data it is empty), or include only part of data is while the resources sector it is empty), or contains both the data and resources. A text file can be text in the data portion of the file and information related to the type of format and formatting text in the resource file, save. This order to be done when, for example, if a program with the format of the text formatting was not familiar, at least to be able to read your text. From the other side, the segmentation causes disharmony and lack of compatibility with other operating systems; copying a file from the file system of Mac System File, non of the Mac Resources section, the file goes. In Mac OS X from the structure of the memory management and multi-processing control, the same operating system, Unix, is used. This operating system is based on the core Mach (Mach kernel) is a small core operating system, which at the University of Carnegie Mellon in the states TV Us during a research project about parallel computing and distributed is created and the version of the BSD operating system Unix is an operating system by Steve Jobs at the company NeXT created and developed. Memory management system the new implementation of the program, the more you are on time and closing other apps running to cause the crash of a program can help prevent. Also, the operating system, the second operating system, the Macintosh is where the command line is also included. however, that to use this command line must Terminal Emulator by the user, run the Mac OS, the command line was not the first Mac operating system that has a command line. OS, A/UX is that its development has been suspended). Problems caused by several is that Mac OS X compared to Mac OS less user-friendly, and is working with it more difficult. Including these factors requires hardware more powerful to run the operating system. failure to provide some functionality of the operating system that a previous version existed, and some incompatibility serious with the previous version (because the drivers written for the Mac OS compatible with Mac OS X are not)....
What is EXT4 ?
4 Extended Filesystem
, X 4 or (fourth extended filesystem) (briefly, ext4) is a file system-based journal that as the new version for the file system ext3, is introduced. the ext4 file system, the current default Linux kernel.

the system file first as a series of plugin compatible for System, File, former, i.e., ext3 was born, that a lot of this by the company Cluster File Systems for use in File System Lustre is a file system for computers, cluster (cluster) between the years 2003 to 2006 was developed, who its main purpose, storage limits, and add to the speed and efficiency of File System previous. Developers Linux of accept, the plugin written as part of the file system ext3, with the justification that the new plugin causes instability of the file system can be significant, but they instead decided that a branching of the code of ext3, there have been, and all the changes made, along with the other additional functionality in the new code apply and they file system the new to come there to ext4 called.

version of the introductory file system ext4, on 11 October 2008 to codes Linux version 2.6.19 were added, But codes final that this file system as a file system, stable, introduced in version 2.6.28 Linux was included. Version 2.6.28, along with file system new ext4 in December 2008, the publication found that in the new version of the file system ext4 as the file system of the proposed Linux was introduced. In 2010, Google announced that the structure of the storage of information in the to ext4, will change this company also, file system ext4 to replace the file system of YAFFS, on Android operating system....
What is EXT3 ?
Extended Filesystem 3
, X 3 or (Third Extended Filesystem) (briefly ext3) a file system-based journal. ext3 file system, scroller, default Linux kernel....