Today, Sunday، 9 Mar 2025 - 18:17

Acronym Finder

What is SQL ?
Structured Query Language
In the model, the relationship of the data. the language of structured questions, or SS s or thirty language is longer than language-based, short align, and math algebra, free that for create, modify, and retrieve data and also operations on them, and goes to work.

language SQL to the model, the object-oriented - relationship also progressed....
What is PHP ?
Hypertext Preprocessor
PHP (PHP), one of the most popular languages, process programming (scripting), open source (Open Source), which is more designed for server-side programs on your website, casual, dynamic (Dynamic) is used. PHP stands for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor (preprocessor ). PHP, in 1994, was created. (Rasmus Lerdorf) create a primary it has been, but over time this program language. ... by other experts and programmers been completed, and to its current form accordingly.

PHP from the language, process, blogging, web. The structure of this language, very similar language (C) and the programming language Perl (Perl). Plasticity, its wonderful and also comply with most databases such as MySql, its power has increased.

the most famous software(packages) created with PHP are phpBB, SMF., the Mambo, etc. Joomla, PHPNuke, etc. mybb and MediaWiki (MediaWiki), and that this website, with it designed). PHP can be a substitute for language, ASP.NET and JSP, and Perl. It is also one of the best examples of programming php in a large-scale site Facebook.

simplicity of use of PHP and its similarity to C language, and Perl (and from Version 5 it to Java) it is often programmers with experience in the shortest possible time program to the full to create.

a PHP only a language process is not writing and using PHP-GTK can be used to design programs with a graphical frontend (GUI) as well as the design of the program, the command line, like Perl or Python (Python) use it.

PHP take advantage of a variety of databases, including MySQL etc. Oracle, etc., IBM DB2, Microsoft SQL Server, etc., PostgreSQL, and SQLite with orders, simple provides.

PHP on most operating systems popular including Linux، Unix، Windows and Mac OSX, and often web (Web Server). applicable....
What is ASP ?
Active Server Pages
Page, active Server, Active Server Pages, or for the acronym ASP), the first script Engine Microsoft to generate dynamic pages on the server side. The first time as an Add-on along IIS in Windows NT4 was released. After the Windows 2000 Server as one of the components of the free along with it. Web site programming, ASP objects within the made along it became easier.

each object is a group of functions used that to create web pages useful. In ASP 2.0 six types of such objects within the Made there are: Application, etc. ASPError, etc. Request and. Response, etc. Server, and Session.

for example, Session a object based on the cookie that page to page to keep.

pages ASP to help the extension end of the path, they can be steam cleaners that instead of HTML, and HTM .asp can be used. Most of the page, ASP VBScript written are but to help written, @language, or can be used instead of VbScript from other engines, process programming active, the other is also used....
What is EXE ?
Know just executable (in the meaning of the "executive"). Extension the three-letter and specify a template file, executable in the environment of operating system, dos and windows....
What is PDF ?
Portable Document Format
Extension the three-letter and specify a texture file, e-book in the program Adobe Acrobat. This name is short for Portable Document Format (document format, portable). Adobe for making such pages of the programs is called family of acrobats season, are they used in the newest version it number 9, which is the number the ability to support Microsoft Office files, Terry, Max and AutoCAD is a PDF you can, the next is the price of three-dimensional version of(7٫07) 995 dollars....