Today, Monday، 10 Mar 2025 - 01:44

Acronym Finder

What is RAM ?
Random Access Memory
RAM or random access memory of a number home or cell is formed and each. storage capabilities of a data and address the unique characterized. The address of the first house, memory, etc. is zero and the address of each house, a unit of the House, previous more. each of the address memory, storage capabilities, one or more bytes having.

memory with the capability of random access (so-called to Rome to say) A type of storage location information in can be of information at any time, regardless of the physical position information them, there are nowadays comprises circuits of the town, which is the possibility of storing information randomly gives us the random words this means that the possibility to access any amount of information at any time, regardless of the physical position information them, there is existing data in the RAM to be removed and replace with other data are any type of interruption in the power flow to your computer. Result in a loss of existing data in RAM can be. The use of this type of memory, for storing temporary data, the processing time or the transfer of results out of the computer or stored in the memory side.
since the data can be in any part of the RAM memory is stored and from which can be retrieved and because the speed of doing this to the location of the data does not depend on this type of memory, Random Access Memory say....
What is CD ?
Compact Disk
Compact disc or CD is a tablet round is the light for warehouse, data digit (digital) used. Compact disc, in principle, to work with the sounds of digital. was invented, as well as tool storage and the storage of data or the same compact disc Read-Only Memory (CD-ROM, CD-ROM) is used. A tool that has the ability to read CD-ROM's are today, from the components of the standard personal computer growth process. As of the CD phonetic, compact discs read-only distinction, and a tablet-catching parts (CD players) that to hear Ava right have been can not data that is on the CD-ROM warehouse has it right, figure out, etc., although the PCs usually can, tablet, audio will still play....
What is MPEG ?
Moving Picture Experts Group
The Moving Picture Experts Group (Moving Picture Experts Group) , which are made of the computer to the name of The (Mpeg) have offered.

of Phi, compression, sound, and image, by a group of researchers was created. This group called the Motion Picture Experts Group activity. after the invention of the extension, your name on it in the end. ( Mpeg, actually the first letters of this phrase is formed). After creating this format that Mpg, also read. the format of another of the family, also providing..., including:. mpa, etc. mp1 and. mp2, and. mp3 of the mp3 over the rest of the performance was more welcomed. The major reason of its success also this was in the format of the file, the audio is very compressed and low volume. with this format we can more volume of the music on the CD save, we ( about 12 hours of music on each CD ), and also the time to get music from the internet is also reduced. mp3 in Windows 95 and the first versions of Windows 98 was not supported. But in sharing the. mp3 format as one of the formats, the default is included....
What is JPEG ?
Joint Photographic Experts Group
JP defiantly a (JPEG) the name of a standard common computer, etc. to compress the missing provider files, graphics. This is the name for simplicity as a peg, to be read as well....
What is PNG ?
Portable Network Graphics
Graphics portable network, or ping format set Pixel (vs. operation) for images that compression techniques, lossy data to the serving takes place....
What is CSS ?
Cascading Style Sheets
Thirty SS A simple method for displaying layout and video effects (such as font type, color and size) on web pages. Patterns of cascading of sex, language, markup, structure of the text simple, computers are within each, etc. orders, waterfall-like, and the day, for how to display each web page can be added. According to easier, the command procedure shown the brushes and sizes, color and background, layout, mosaic, includes data (walls), and many other elements of the structure of each web page. within your place.

the most use of this language can now be specify the style of the Web page, HTML and X-HTML, but it can be used on any type of documentary X All El, including SMS, he A and X apply. Maintenance and change the profile of the SI, the SS the responsibility of the consortium World Wide Web....
What is XML ?
eXtensible Markup Language
Create technology X the El or markup language (eXtensible Markup Language), it should be without doubt one of the most basic and most fundamental steps to take into account that in the path, solve the problem of scalability in the modern internet is removed. After creating x! el by the consortium, the world, including (W3C) in 1996 (Gregorian), the practitioners of many projects calculations extensive to the widespread use of it, the fear.

now, diversity, etc. the amount of, and the dimensions of the abundant employing the x-TH El in most areas and structures of the internet today to be truly amazing. Just as examples, you should be reminded that almost all technology, web services, etc. scalable vector graphics., the final PDF, and many other items, only with the x-TH El do.

The reason and how this applies to intelligible, easier, and understand the all-encompassing, the more the internet now, and in particular, to familiarize with the strategies of the human for paving the way, along and expand it in the future, will be adopted. is of significant importance....
What is AJAX ?
Asynchronous jаvascript And XML
A collection of standards and technology, is to help, they can be programs, web-based production that easily with users interact. With the use of these technologies and with the help of the transfer small pieces of data and information from computer servant (Server), the web pages from passive mode removed, and the reactions appropriate, events are doing. , architecture for new web applications is that speed is very much expanding. and less internet user is still to one of the pages that with this architecture have made the world, and of the capabilities of its super benefit is not. Gmail, Google Map, Google Suggest, etc. Orkut, and the names of familiar ... examples are from the application, . Using this architecture, web pages interact very well with users. Also, the most important advantage of this architecture is that other to do anything, etc. do not need the Web page loaded again.

collection technologies, ingredients, include:
Show standard, with the use of X HTML and C SS
display the dynamics and interaction using the Document Object Model
exchange and data manipulation using XML and XSLT, etc.
data recovery is non- using XMLHttpRequest,
finally jаvascript for assembling that do everything together....