Today, Monday، 10 Mar 2025 - 02:24

Acronym Finder

What is ICMP ?
Internet Control Message Protocol
Control protocol, internet messages (IC's ) is one of the protocols, the main protocol packets of the internet. About the original use of it in operating systems computers connected to the network, to send error messages, for example, the service requested is not available or that a host or router is disabled. From the IC's can be used to relay off orders use also.

The IC's relies on IP to perform its tasks. and integral part of IP. This system with the transport systems, data like or Mississippi, or Yu, the wake is different and to send and receive data not used. This protocol typically, in applications the grid is not used, except in a few exceptions, such as ping or Tris trained....
What is POP ?
Post Office Protocol
The pope who, in fact, an agreement on international send and receive e-mails.This agreement by the ISPs support and can be used. Mail systems that are based on this protocol, projection, and are designed directly can be receptive to the software, such as Outlook, requirements, and users can also through this software, enter your mailbox are letters to read and answer them.

the advantage of having POP3 email is that you can get your emails through the software management desire get. Desire your in the system your best you and your emails offline study .. The speed of receiving and sending email with this method is much more of a condition, that is, the desire and the browser takes place. Also, you can make your letters with the help of editor, strong in software management, the desire is there, type?, image, or any file on your system, attach the letter and only to send the letter to connect to the internet, which is arguably the time and cost you on the internet will save....
What is DDOS ?
Distributed Denial of Service
Attack (DDOS), a method of attack in which the attacker with a large number of computers and networks that are at the disposal of. the attack." In this method, all the computers one method of attack, which in the following are listed at the same time, together, doing that might, in some cases, the damage irreparable.
In this technique, usually the attacker system a lot of infected and they command. to the system, infected zombie, and to the network of this system is under the control of a person. botnet say....
What is IM ?
Instant Messaging
Instant messaging, which is the short form of IM. ... a kind of direct communication a text prompt(real-time) between two or more person using a personal computer with other devices through a server software(Software Client) is common. Text user on a network such as the internet can be passed. Server software more advanced instant messaging category, higher from the relationship, such as a video call or audio offerings....
What is CLI ?
Command Line Interface
Line interface or CLI mechanism to communicate with the operating system or application and perform specific commands by typing commands. This method against other methods like the use of the marker the mouse is for clicking on the options in the graphical interface user or use the menus in the interface, text user to select options. This method of giving orders to "enter a command", say....
What is CNC ?
‎Computer Numerical Control
Digital control computer, or CNN to steering the machine tool, and industrial with the use of a computer is said to be.

by CNN can be quickly fragments with the size, exact from metal or wood, right. The Shape of the components of the AGO by a program that in the system (CAM), or by using manually (Manual) produced is determined. Usually for this purpose, frequently, from the standard (EIA-274-D (ISO6983 used that code a (G-Codes) also called, in this standard the files, move the tools, and the performance of the sequential device to specify. On standards, newer devices CNN News ISO 10303 and ISO 14649 file input operations necessary for the production of the workpiece to define the work of each device according to the tools and capabilities of the. path of motion it produces....
What is VOIP ?
Voice Over Internet Protocol
VOIP(voice over internet protocol:Voice Over Internet Protocol) is a general term for a family of technology transfer for the delivery of voice communications over the network, based on IP, like the internet and networks package .

VoIP(pronounce weap), telephone, IP, telephone, internet, telephone, broadband, sound of broadband and voice over broadband, also called.

usually, the companies provide a service, VoIP as producers, and the protocols used to carry the symptoms of voice over IP network, as voice over IP or VoIP protocols will be remembered. It can be, in principle, the development of commercial experience protocol voice network (1973), by which producers of a generation, the internet(ARPANET was) invented. considered.

some of the lower cost, partly due to the use of a network individual to carry voice and data, especially where users to the network access that capacity, it is less used and can be VOIP without any extra cost carry. Call VoIP to VoIP, some times are free, while VOIP calls to the public telephone network(PSTN) may cost in the have the that should be used by manufacturers, VoIP paid.

protocol, voice over IP, signal, phone calls, etc. as audio digital carry(which usually with the technology of compression of data, speech, etc. of the data, it dropped and for the collection of stream data, the IP will be sent).

two types of PSTN services such as VoIP, there are. The inner dial in direct(DID) and access numbers. The inner dial in direct(DID), the caller directly to the VoIP connects in the event that the necessary access numbers, etc. match the numbers internally using VoIP by the caller....
What is WIMAX ?
WorldWide Interoperability for Microwave Access
WiMAX (WiMAX), or the interaction flexibility, global access, microwave, etc. communication protocol for wireless broadband access based on IEEE 802.16. WiMAX internet access to both fixed and fully mobile in a district-wide provides. Now (2010 ad )latest revision WiMAX access with data transfer rates of 40 Mbit / s to supply. With the standard of IEEE 802.16 m expected that the transfer speed up to one gigabit per second increase. The name WiMAX by the WiMAX was chosen that in the year 2001 to promote Sabah and flexibility, this standard was established. This forum WiMAX as a technology based Standard that defines the possibility of broadband wireless access as a replacement for cables and lines,, El(DSL) offers....