Today, Monday، 10 Mar 2025 - 06:58

Acronym Finder

What is SEO ?
‎Search Engine Optimization
Search engine optimization is that sometimes the in English, it SEO is said to be operational is to improve the visibility of a website or a web page in search engines results pages, which can be natural, or algorithmic. say. This is one of the methods of search engine marketing. For the general website that has the lowest, and the most repeated on the page results of search engines. visits more through the search engines acquire.For the webmaster, one of the most vital factors procure new users from search engines, especially Google.

The Science of SEO in the mid 1990's by webmasters and administrators of sites, a great start. Initially, all webmasters should be all of your pages to come crawling to the site, they recorded the finally pages of them in the search results to display. Nowadays, with the growth of internet sales, internet services also increased.

search engines are the vanguard, such as Yahoo, Google and Bing from crawling to find pages for search results they use.Which pages of the pages indexed by the search engines Link have been required to submit to the search engine does not automatically find.Some of the search engine market !Yahoo paid service send the pedestrians that use the crawler to a set of prices and also as a system to rent per each Click, Run.These programs are usually in a location database of the search engine's warranty and for the rating specified for the page in the search results list, warranties do not.Two main list of internet i.e. Yahoo Directory and the Open Directory Project, etc. both need to send the manual and review the human.Google a tool called Google Webmaster Tools, that offers in, it can be a sitemap by XML feed and create a free post which has all pages, even pages that automatically through the following Link, Find not. ensure. Crawlers, search engines can give different factors when crawling a site, according to officials.All of the pages indexed are not.Also, the distance of a page from the root site can be a factor in finding or lack of it, by crawling search engines....
What is DSP ?
Digital Signal Processor
Digital signal processor (DSP), a microprocessor, or set the orbital on which signals, the digital input based on the algorithm defined special processing can do. For example, in a digital camera, the raw data output from the image sensor and analogue to digital converter, the received image can be displayed on display or transmitted to the computer form.

digital signal., the signal is both in terms of time of occurrence and also in terms of the amount in the range of a certain limit. Digital signal versus analog signal is defined, which it somewhat for the parameters of the above-mentioned not be defined. Digital signal in terms of mathematical signal is just zeros and a logical form. This is the one and zeros it is possible to in many different ways, demonstrated that they are this way. my signal say....
What is DSL ?
Digital Subscriber Line
Digital subscriber line (,, el) or (DSL) from Category technology such that the transfer of telecommunications information data by wire communication in a Network call, the local provides. (DSL)digital subscriber line is a branch of technology, that the information through the network, cable, local telephone transmission. DSL first, for a ring Communication Digital was formed. In market positioning, radio communications, the term DSL means digital subscriber line, asymmetrical (ADSL) understandable and known, which is the most common way is to use DSL technology. Services DSL through a regular phone line, simultaneously with the sound, is applicable. This applies to the reason for this is that DSL technology, the frequency higher than the voice usage does result in interference between the digital information and voice, and it won't matter. The speed of data transfer using a protocol DSL typically of 256 kilo bits per second up to 40 mega bits per second, depending on the type of DSL technology conditions, telephone lines, and the level of service provider. In ADSL can transmit data in the reverse direction, i.e., send less of Download is from the ADSL), digital subscriber line, asymmetrical (reincarnated in the digital subscriber line symmetric (SDSL) download and upload speed (data transfer rate in the direction of upload and download) is equal to....
What is EPUB ?
Electronic Publication
, The pub (epub) is an open standard for e-books is that by the international digital publishing have arisen. The extension of this file type, epub. Is.

format, the pub is designed so that the reader of this format can be how to display the text in the file to display its optimum.

This extension is a replacement for the Open eBook....
What is IA ?
Internet Archive
Internet Archive (IA) is a Organization non-profit is for the construction and maintenance of a digital library is the World Wide Web the archive.

its office in in San Francisco, in the state of the state of California, is located and data centers in several different cities that contain a copy of the page of your website, which at different times have been supplying to mobile software, films, and books and records audio and is for sure from this collection in the library of Alexandria, also a copy of it is maintained....
What is SUDO ?
Substitute User Do
A succession of user rating, or a Clas software in command-line operating systems Unix and Unix-like that to users, it lets applications on behalf of another user —without leaving current user from the system— run. The target user is usually the user's main operating system, or root user (root user), which is, of course, can any other users as well. Of the common use of this command in the implementation of the program and the command that requires the level of access of the user root? such as install software, change in the file system, and the more records that are in subdirectories, important operating system. Allow access to the command Clas only to users given previously for the system defined. This group of users "", sudoers), are called and edit the file sudoers in the path /etc can be settings related to editing ... which, of course, edit this file, your are subject to having the user access the root. At more distribution, let the run command Clas to all users by default is given.

After running the command, sudo of the user, the password will be asked, which in the default mode, and when a getaway to the space user root, password is an. Although you can edit the file sudoers is in the path /etc., and with the addition of %sudo ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL of the password request block. Use the parameter -i and insert the password, the system to the virtual account of the user root. and also with the parameter -u user can enter a user's account was (user Name target user is), and orders that only the target user is allowed to run, it is run, or to the subfolder personal it user....
What is SED ?
Stream Editor
One of the commands the base and the main operating system, Unix-like. The name of this recipe from the combined stream editor that has come to mean the editor stream. This text command input, to analysis (processing) and makes the implementation of a programming language, text input to the text with the structure of the desired user conversion. The command text input, line by line (for sequential) reads and the changes necessary that through the command line (or by script sed) to the recipe given is the text applies and then line (lines) output. The recipe Lee. McMahon at Bell Labs in the years 1973 to 1974 for the operating system Unix already wrote that in most operating systems is available....
What is PWD ?
Print Working Directory
pwd command is in operating systems Unix-like to print out the path of the current directory....