Today, Monday، 10 Mar 2025 - 11:13

Acronym Finder

What is CBL ?
Computer Based Learning
Words that all forms of current computer training in the world.
somehow strung to hold and protect the output generated from printers.
What is CAL ?
Computer Assisted Instruction
Method of use of the computer system, the direction of the expansions or the complete educational system dialog, such as employing simulation programs to help solve issues in a field training....
What is CAM ?
Computer Aided Manufacturing
The use of computer technology in the management, control, and manufacturing operations....
What is COM ?
Computer Output Microfilm
Some sort technology that allows the output information generated by the computer. on the microfilm storage....
What is COGO ?
Coordinate Geometry
A programming language issue-oriented, which is to solve geometric problems from it used to be. This language basically by Civil Engineers is used....
What is COBOL ?
Common Business Oriented Language
A high-level language that for commercial applications, data processing is made. Each main program in the language has 4 episodes are:
(1) INDENTIFICATION DIVISION is the main application and output operation compile (translate) your introduction.
(2) ENVIRONMENT DIVISION, aspects of certain issues, processing data as to the physical characteristics of a particular computer dependent. specifies.
(3) DATA DIVISION data will be described that the application to language of the machine they as the input, accept and draped operations perform and the output they produce.
(4) PROCEDURE DIVISION, the steps described by the language machine execution. These steps use the sentences close to the English expression....
What is CMOS ?
Comple Mentary Mos
A method for making the chip (chip) , semiconductor, metal oxide, when compared to the type of MOS, consume more and faster....
What is CIM ?
Computer Input Microfilm
The kind of technology that requires using an input device, for directly reading the contents of the micro film to the inside of the computer....