What is LIMS ?
Laboratory Information Management System
features and applications the system information management laboratory during the years, has evolved from a simple version control samples to a planning tool, Resource Management ERP has become that the dimensions of the multiple information, the laboratory's management.
define system information management laboratory, somewhat controversial, is: System, Information Management Lab, a flexible are because the needs of the laboratory to rapidly evolve and are different types of lab are usually different set of needs. so, define the application of a Management System Information Lab, ultimately depends on the interpretation of individuals and groups that use it.
Dr. Allan Mack land from the Institute of Biochemistry., the Royal in the city of Glasgow, affirms that the issue in the late 1990's this issue's highlights ... with the explanation of this is that the management system lab by the people, " he added. Analyst, Manager Laboratory, Manager of Information Systems and an accountant be interpreted, and all of them also are correct, but each is limited to the perceptions of the individual. Historically, the system information management Laboratory Information System Laboratory, and system implementation of development processes PDES functions similar to. So-called System Information Management Lab, more system, communication solutions, noted that for the analysis of commercial, research, or environmental, such as, pharmaceutical, and petrochemical industries are selected.
the term Information System lab, the more systems Informatics Lab in the Forensic Medicine Field, Clinical refers, which usually requires tools for Case Management.
the term system, implementation of development processes, generally, in the domain of the wider applied, including, for example, when manufacturing techniques. when integrating with tools for the laboratory is not necessary.
recently, the capabilities of Information Systems Management the laboratory from simple management as a primary target is exceeded. Integration, management, data, data mining, analysis, data and notepad electronics lab, including facilities that many Systems Management Information, Lab added. empowerment the realization of traditional medical completely a software solution.
plus, the difference Phi between the system Management Information, Lab Information System, lab color. since most of the system management information, the laboratory now fully of the facilities, a comprehensive clinical data dossier axle support.
the final years of the decade 70., the management of samples, laboratory analysis as well as debriefing and track the status of these samples, generally, manually and by the force of a human was done for, which is a very time consuming was deemed, and often, human error also comes. This issue caused some organizations seek to offer in the way of things for automated storage and facilitate the process of moving. In the meantime, some laboratories are starting to use strategies dedicated were only the needs within the laboratory they have provided. While some other organizations seek to provide systems and commercial standard has been went to be able to requisites, all of the laboratories to identify and make them the target. These efforts lead to this, which was finally in the 80's was the first generation of information systems management laboratory to the market. This software allows automatic storage process, the reporting of the samples to the laboratory, provides that, at the time a great achievement in this arena was deemed.