What is ZTE ?
Zhongxing Telecommunication Equipment
. the fourth big company, mobile phone manufacturer and is in terms of income, the fifth big company in the field of telecommunication equipment.
the payment of damages for violation of the sanctions, Iran:
in February, 2017 of the Ministry of Justice of the United States of America announced that the company .... accepted that US sanctions against Iran, refused to.
officials from the Chinese company have been accused of that telecommunication equipment sensitive to that in American made and sell and transfer them to Iran was forbidden, during the course of a six-year Iran have shifted. They are not the only rules of the export of America I have no but also in the process of research on to the American authorities lied, and even research inside the company about the illegal actions they are in the stream. divert.
the company due to violations of US sanctions against Iran, to pay 892 million U.S. dollars, has been fined and accepted, that in the event of non-compliance with the conditions on which they are authorities over us have not agreed 300 million other pay. The second section fine ($300 million) for a seven-year period is suspended will be.