Acronym of UML
( Unified Modeling Language ) Modeling language a (Unified Modeling Language) or "Yo! El", a language modeling all-purpose standard in the field of software engineering is that by the management group the object (Object Management Group) was created. At present (2010 ad) the latest version of the language, version 2. the 2 is that in 2007 the profile it was released.
with the use of Yo th El can be almost any application, which may be on any combination of hardware, platforms, programming language, and network, run the modeling.Design based on the concepts of object Yo the causes that are intrinsically linked with the environment and languages of Object-Oriented programming (such as C Plus Plus, etc., Java and C#) full compatibility. though it can be used for modeling applications, non-object-oriented, such as programs that, with languages, Visual Basic, etc. and Fortran entries are also used.
