Acronym of PCP
( Phency Clidine Piperidine ) Fan (PCP), except hallucinogenic. This material in the late 1950s as an anesthetic was made, but due to its side effects, etc., such as mental confusion and disorientation, etc. taking it in the late 1960s as drug use, under the Su consumption was in those years called and as a de Arvi anesthesia for the animals used.
This material is now for the materials mixed with other hallucinogens can be used.
fan of pure, white crystalline powder color, which is easily soluble in water. Nowadays, combining it with other materials, causing color change from brick to Brown and change form from powder to gum. The chemicals needed to manufacture it are very cheap and are available and for tablets, powder, Crystal, there is with tobacco cigarettes, or GRAS, mixed and used.
unfortunately, this drug is very fast and only in a few seconds the effect. In doses lower than the feeling of relaxation false., the scared and the relationship of brain, creates, and gradually turned to a feeling of separation, far away, and alienation towards the environment. Slash characters, the lack of balance and coordination in the limbs, along power and a feeling of floating, being, be that from 4 to 6 hours continues. Depression subsequent dose, it is up to 24 hours continues. In higher doses, some people suffer from confusion, and ... love, mode of harassment, Terminator, and extreme anxiety are and at this stage lead to violence, extreme behavior is one of the most dangerous complications of sue, the consumption of these materials can be the death of the person the consumer or any other person will result.
in the event that the person this material on a consistent basis, taking have side effects such as daze without purpose, movements, rapid eye movement, walking, not balanced, etc. illusions of hearing, a change of the geometric shapes, etc., behavioral disorders, and amnesia appear. This material, like the often hallucinogenic drugs physical dependence acute create, but does not this substance to a large degree creates psychological dependence.
