Acronym of SA
( Sexaholics Anonymous ) Sex Addicts Anonymous (SA) a global non-profit association of men and women to recover from sexual addiction (sexual compulsive thoughts and behavior) is based on the twelve principles (twelve steps and 12 cents) of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). SA is an abbreviation of the Terml ISL which is returned to Sex Addicts Anonymous in Persian.< < > helps in the recovery of "sex addicts" (l El). According to what the group says، a sex addict is someone for whom "lust has become an addiction". knows the solution to healing sexual consciousness by 12 steps, and for this consciousness means not having any sexual intercourse with yourself (masturbation) or with others except with your spouse and a progressive victory over lust.< < >"in the definition of consciousness، we are not talking about people outside of Sex Addicts Anonymous. We can only talk about ourselves. So for a sex addict who is married sexual consciousness means not having any sexual intercourse with himself or with someone other than his spouse and for a sex addict who is not married it means freedom from any kind of sex. Also for all of us whether single or married sexual consciousness means a progressive victory over lust".in addition to the publications of Sex Addicts Anonymous, the group also uses the publications of the Association of Alcoholics Anonymous as a guide to working the steps. In the book, The basic Sex Addicts Anonymous (with the name "Book of the White" also known crafted) was "addicted to sex herself from understanding that what is right or wrong is out, he lost control of his data, Power, choice, and does not to stop, etc. is not free.»
