Acronym of SEP
( September ) September, the ninth month of the year was in the calendar of Gregory and is also one of the four months the timeline of Gregory that 30 days.
September in the northern hemisphere in terms of seasonal equal to April in south hemisphere. The first day of September in the northern hemisphere, the initiator of the fall, and in the south hemisphere, the initiator of spring. September, on the same day of the week begins December in the year of the ordinary begins Also any fish not on the same day of the week all the that the SEP all.
the phrase septem in Latin means seven. In fact, until the year 46 BC, September was the seventh month, timepiece, Roman, because it was September, to coincide with the seventh month of the calendar is solar(October) and is Roman your calendar based on the calendar, solar, made, were, that the first month of the year from Kalendas Martius, or March to Kalendas Januarius January find change. September in the timepiece, astronomy, etc. that may (March/Mars/Aries) begins, the sixth month of the year.
