Acronym of EP
( European Parliament ) Parliament, an official body of law in Europe.
the European Parliament jointly with the Council of the European Union, the legislative and the adoption of decisions in the EU pays. Due to that its representatives directly from the European citizens. symbol of democracy in the EU into account when it comes.
the European Parliament on commission monitoring does, to the point that the chairman and the members of the Commission obliged to obtain a vote of confidence from the parliament are parliament can them for a mass impeachment. Parliament along with the Council of the European Union, responsibility for decisions about the budget of the Union and monitor the use of it. Members of parliament once every five years by the votes, are elected.
the eighth course of this Parliament, of the month of July, the year 2014 started and up to July 2019 will continue. In this period, the 751 seats in the Parliament between the 28 member countries divided.
the European Parliament is the only institution of the union is that its members, by direct vote of the people elected. The seventh round of the parliament in the year 2009 began and by the year 2014 continued. In the seventh round., the 736 people, representing 492 million people from 27 member state were in charge.
identify the forces influencing this Parliament as the representative of the ideas of the political people of the member state of the European Union it's important. These forces can be political groups active in the European Parliament identification. Most members of the European Parliament groups political subdivisions have been, and a small number of Representatives outside of this grouping, the political fall. In this period political groups of the European Parliament were: group of the European People's party (Democratic Christian) and Democrats for Europe, the socialist group in the European Parliament, group of alliance of liberals and Democrats for Europe, Department of EU nations, etc., group of the Greens / coalition,. group together the Treaty left the United Europe – the left green Nordic, and the group Democracy / independent. In this article, to introduce each of the political groups, we.
