Acronym of MG
( Myasthenia Gravis ) Myasthenia gravis (from Greek roots: the weakness of a critical muscle, the μύς means muscles and ἀσθένεια means weakness; the term gravis from the Latin meaning solemn and large) with the symbol MG in neurology somehow paralyze the muscles that cause those activities, the safety of over-the-counter protein, the acetylcholine receptor at the synapses of the nervous-muscular. This disease specially end-plates of muscles, striated is that more women will get caught. Maximum prevalence of it in the third or fourth life. but it is possible at any period of life, from boyhood up, aging seen. of course, in the elderly, male and female equally affected.
symptoms myasthenia gravis, muscle weakness, is that when activity increases, and in the rest period may be reduced: Control the eye, movement of the eyelids, face, etc., chew, speak, and swallowing are often impaired..... also the muscles and respiratory muscles section, the underside of the body may be affected, although myasthenia gravis can affect any muscles involuntary affect, but the greatest disorder on the muscles that the Eye Control. Act of swallowing. move the eyelids, face enter. These signs are often immediately as myasthenia gravis diagnosed are not detect this disease may be up to more than a year before. In most cases, the first sign of illness, weakness of the eye muscles that cause diplopia, too. in other cases, it is possible, difficulty in swallowing or impairment in speaking, the first signs of the emergence of this disease.
