Acronym of MY
( Malaysia ) Malaysia is a country in Southeast Asia and its capital, Kuala Lumpur. Government agencies and ministries of this country in a new city, Putrajaya (administrative capital) of the country actually is. Malaysia, a member of the United Nations, and pragmatics. This federation consists of thirteen states in Southeast Asia. The name "Malaysia" when the choice was that of the Federation of Malaya; the Singapore, Sabah, and Sarawak, a union consisting of 14 states, is formed. In 1965, Singapore from Malaysia, was separated, and the first country to become independent was.
Malaysia into two regions, Geographic and the South China Sea, which it separates: Peninsular Malaysia, or Malaysia, that Western on the Malay Peninsula is from the north with Thailand border, the dryness, and there is a through road of Johor Bahru, South, Singapore is linked. This country contains a king Johor, etc. Kedah, etc. thanks., the Negri Sembilan, etc. Kelantan., the Perak, etc., Selangor, etc. Perlis and has two states, it is the governors of Melaka and Penang, and the two federal territories of Putrajaya and Kuala Lumpur supervision. Malaysia or the Malaysian East that the northern part of the island of Borneo to bordering Indonesia. under the supervision of the rule of Shah Neshin Brunei is located. Malaysian Oriental into the United and Sarawak and the federal Labuan.Although from the political perspective this section Malay, supervision. but the new population of Malaysia, there are minorities of Chinese and Indian solid. The policies of Malaysia, to express the nature of The advice, it is said, and the three main party forming the National , etc. each your affiliation to one of the groups, is reduced. The only tension important been seen in this country. from the time of its independence so far, the riots, 13 on the eve of the campaign and conflict, has been. However, the Malaysian model of harmony, one would be.
