Acronym of BIOS
( Basic Input Output System ) BIOS (BIOS), or interfacing hardware and software to a set of procedures or programs stored in the chip read-only memory or "ROM," ROM in personal computers compatible with IBM said. This app, all the functions of the input-output administer. The existence of this program in the computer causes the applications to directly control hardware, the app didn't have and services of computer use. The bios of a computer, the first code is that when you turn it on runs and the task of its primary load and start the operating system. When the computer is turned on, the first, BIOS, etc. detection system parts like graphics card, etc. keyboard and mouse, etc. disc. Disc Qassam optical, and other hard . The BIOS then the software that is on the hard disk or compact disc for or boot stored, detected, and it run.
