Acronym of YJC
( Young Journalists Club ) Young reporters Club, one of the news media attributable to the organization of broadcasting of Islamic Republic of Iran and a deputy political organization that in the year 1378 has been established. The agency in all provinces of the country has centers active.
The Young Reporters club, along with the news agency IRIB (which is AGO from the Central News unit were called), and that the network's task of providing news sections of all network radio and television, these organizations are responsible for. The young reporters straight out of the Iranian political organization of sound and vision can be appointed.
(the two parts of independent news there. The first section of the news hour 17 network news, and another hour, 19 network one. It also sets your reports in the other news sections, including news, 20:30 and 21 plays. The members of this collection through the visiting enthusiasts young and training courses are selected.
