Acronym of IAA
( International Advertising Association ) The organization of global advertising, the IAA, or of the International Union of advertising, or the International Association of advertising, in the official documents and historical Iran from the beginning with the name of the organization World Advertising well-known[1][2] an institution, the International founded in 1938, has been.
This puts the center of it in New York - United States of America - located for the first time in the year 1353 solar by Farhad Iran and after the victory of the Islamic Revolution, from the year 1357 to the year 1394 (2015) in the Islamic Republic of Iran, the office and the official representative of the problem.
this entity with the approval of the judiciary of America in 1938 (seven years before the founding of the United Nations) with the form of corporation (legal entity for cooperation without dividends) and in 1953 he was new, as the international corporation organization (the legal entity for participation in international cooperation without dividends), but in the form of proprietary rights, are a US registered and in the year 2007 with the change of The Shape of the organization (organization) Your identity fully to international brand of your IAA affiliate has. But represent it in different countries, that chapter called rules-based and the capacity of the host country, each situation, records-legal, have different, for example, in India for a co. in Turkey for a council of the specialty, in England, for a Institute, in the United Arab Emirates, to form a community. in Australia, as a scientific association is registered that the share of all the dealers in the recognition of it by the centrality of international IAA (As a reference, reliable, scientific in the field of marketing and ad trading in their own country), Venice, representation, brand, International the IAA is.
the organization World, advertising today, in 81 countries, developed and developing, through training, standardization, transfer of technology and mutual cooperation, International, Development, Scientific, marketing and commercial advertising track track.
